SOFT SOURCE, INC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $32,199 |
Better Homes Construction, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $32,199 |
Old Vienna Snack Food Company and Weaver's Potato Chip Company, Inc., A Single Employer | | | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $32,198 |
S N L Services | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WA-DLI | $32,198 |
S N L Services | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WA-DLI | $32,198 |
Island Grill Diner, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $32,195 |
Sunrise Assisted Living | Revera | healthcare services | labor relations violation | 2006 | NLRB | $32,194 |
The Naylor Companies, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $32,192 |
M&M Holding LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $32,191 |
Gentry & Holder Floors, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $32,190 |
MINN-DAK FARMERS COOPERATIVE AND MINN-DAK YEAST COMPANY, INC. | | | labor relations violation | 2018 | NLRB | $32,189 |
Parker-Hannifin Corporation | Parker-Hannifin | industrial equipment | labor relations violation | 2010 | NLRB | $32,187 |
Deanna L. Snyder | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $32,182 |
Krause Gentle Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $32,180 |
Cool Life Systems Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | NY-DOL | $32,180 |
Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $32,178 |
HAH Holdings LLC/Statewide Healthcare Srv LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,177 |
Titan Corrosion Services, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $32,173 |
1300 Ocean Avenue Realty Corp a/k/a Sudano Inc | | | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $32,172 |
Kaiser Permanente | Kaiser Permanente | healthcare services | labor relations violation | 2010 | NLRB | $32,170 |
Palatial Stone and Tile, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $32,170 |
Cardinal Point Captains, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $32,170 |
Lakeview Nursing Center | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,166 |
Grguric Excavating, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $32,165 |
Hot Italian Public Market, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $32,165 |
Hot Italian, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $32,165 |
Grayco Communications, LP | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $32,163 |
Park Manor Nursing Home, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2000 | NLRB | $32,163 |
K & N Manor, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $32,162 |
Sinns & Thomas Electrical Contractors, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $32,162 |
R Square Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $32,161 |
Goodwill Industries of the Pioneer Valley Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $32,161 |
Handybook Inc 8 | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | NY-DOL | $32,161 |
Essence Nail Studio Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $32,158 |
Art Enriquez Concrete LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $32,157 |
Persimmon Recreation, LLC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | WHD | $32,156 |
AZCom Door Installation Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $32,154 |
CAMCO, INC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $32,154 |
Milkyway Jeans, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $32,152 |
R2D Apparel, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $32,152 |
Adtile Technologies Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $32,151 |
Shiloh Towers | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $32,149 |
Region 8 | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CO-DL | $32,148 |
Outkast Kustoms Llc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | MI-LEO | $32,146 |
Service Employees International Union, Local No. 6 | | | labor relations violation | 2010 | NLRB | $32,145 |
Inferno Pizzeria-1810 Westerm | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $32,144 |
Smith Boys Jansen Marine at Canandaigua LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $32,144 |
Equibore of America, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $32,143 |
Globenex Homes LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | WA-DLI | $32,141 |
Bonadent, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $32,140 |
M & P Central, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $32,137 |
All-American Pet Company, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | CA-LCO | $32,133 |
Lab Pro Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | IL-DOL | $32,129 |
The Moon Gifts LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,128 |
Cendrowski Selecky | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | MI-LEO | $32,127 |
Conceivex | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | MI-LEO | $32,127 |
Conceivex | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | MI-LEO | $32,127 |
Cornell Abraxas Group, Inc., d/b/a Abraxas Pittsburgh School | GEO Group | miscellaneous services | labor relations violation | 2009 | NLRB | $32,126 |
HOWARD'S AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS, Inc., | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | CA-LCO | $32,125 |
Construction Electric | | | labor relations violation | 2003 | NLRB | $32,123 |
National Healthcare Alliance, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $32,122 |
The Aegean Restaurant II, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $32,122 |
EnCare Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | NY-DOL | $32,122 |
GARRETT THOMPSON CONSTRUCTION, INC | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $32,120 |
Patsy's Italian Restaurant Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $32,120 |
3161 Norwood Deli | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | NY-DOL | $32,120 |
Hidden Valley Lake Association | | | labor relations violation | 2009 | NLRB | $32,119 |
MZA International LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $32,118 |
Jack Hood Transportation, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2001 | NLRB | $32,115 |
Amboy Neighborhood Center, Inc | | | labor relations violation | 2001 | NLRB | $32,114 |
Intercon Solutions, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $32,112 |
United Gyn Builders Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $32,109 |
A & G Electric, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $32,109 |
John Christner Trucking, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $32,108 |
Javis Automation and Engineering, Inc. | | | benefit plan administrator violation | 2007 | EBSA | $32,108 |
Euphoria Palace Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | NY-DOL | $32,108 |
Hawaiian Pacific Restaurant Group, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $32,103 |
AP Fuel LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $32,102 |
HCL America, Inc. | HCL Technologies | information technology | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,102 |
Heritage Farms LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WHD | $32,102 |
PCC Construction Components, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $32,101 |
Vision Mechanical | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | PA-DLI | $32,101 |
Five Star Garment Finishing, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $32,100 |
Geissler's Supermarket | | | labor relations violation | 2009 | NLRB | $32,097 |
Petersen Management Co, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,097 |
UniValue Creations LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,097 |
Total System Services Inc | Global Payments Inc. | financial services | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $32,095 |
The Harbor Restaurant & Lounge | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $32,094 |
Millwood Cabinets LLP | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $32,093 |
ABM | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | CO-DL | $32,089 |
Inferno Pizzeria- 496 Albany Shaker Rd | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | NY-DOL | $32,089 |
M.P.G. Tent Rentals, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $32,088 |
National Life Insurance Company | National Life Group | financial services | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $32,087 |
Prospect of Orlando, Ltd., Co. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,087 |
Grand Asia Market at Charlottte LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $32,085 |
Pennock Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $32,084 |
Yalateefu, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WHD | $32,084 |
Geotopo, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $32,083 |
Caprock Building Systems LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $32,081 |
Globe Machine Manufacturing | | | labor relations violation | 2018 | NLRB | $32,080 |
Capital One Construction | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | NY-DOL | $32,080 |