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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: employment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$37,897,980,877
Number of Penalty Records: 152,792
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Wells Fargo$922,403,20466
Bank of America$887,742,03766
Uber Technologies$630,306,02222
JPMorgan Chase$522,448,56250
Daimler Truck AG$480,728,91114
Bank of New York Mellon$423,313,0375
IBM Corp.$396,913,12513

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Ninos Pizza wage and hour violation2014NY-DOL$32,442
Fishwing, LLC wage and hour violation2016WHD$32,441
Cerf Diagnostics, Inc. wage and hour violation2016WHD$32,440
FMC Services, Inc wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,439
ABCT, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$32,436
Stoney Brook Farms, Inc. wage and hour violation2016WHD$32,436
Ed David Care Homes, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$32,436
Staybright Electric of Colorado Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,434
MTS Construction, Inc. wage and hour violation2003WHD$32,430
Klempco LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,428
Acme Testing Company wage and hour violation2011WA-DLI$32,427
Lane Supply Incorporated wage and hour violation2006WHD$32,426
Edwards-Kamadulski, LLC wage and hour violation2016WHD$32,426
243 Food & Wine, Corp wage and hour violation2017WHD$32,422
Izziban Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$32,422
Dipierro Construction, Inc wage and hour violation2015WHD$32,421
Pennock Company wage and hour violation2013WHD$32,416
Friendly Maintenance, LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,416
N.V. & Sons Builders Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,416
Hypower, Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,415
Restoration Hardware, IncRH (Restoration Hardware)housewares and home furnishingswage and hour violation2012WHD$32,414
Joatmon Enterprises, LLC wage and hour violation2015WHD$32,412
CSA, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,411
Nuland Food Service LLC wage and hour violation2007WHD$32,411
Northeast Towers Inc wage and hour violation2007WHD$32,406
Consolidated Waste Services, LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,404
Best Maintenance Co., Inc. wage and hour violation2001WHD$32,404
IFC Holdings, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$32,402
United States Steel Corporation - Gary WorksUnited States Steelmetalslabor relations violation2007NLRB$32,401
Stevens Trucking, Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$32,400
Visionlink International Llc wage and hour violation2021MI-LEO$32,400
Anthony-Taylor Companies, Inc. wage and hour violation2008CA-LCO$32,396
Suppertime, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,395
Holder's Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$32,395
Global Oak Finishing, Inc wage and hour violation2013WHD$32,394
Ashnu International, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$32,390
TC Electric labor relations violation2022NLRB$32,389
Drinkers Hall of Fame wage and hour violation2013CA-LCO$32,388
Dandy Mining, Inc. labor relations violation2000NLRB$32,387
Dandy Mining, Inc. labor relations violation2000NLRB$32,387
Handybook Inc 2 wage and hour violation2023NY-DOL$32,381
Deja Vu - San Francisco, LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,380
William O. Kimberly wage and hour violation2001WHD$32,379
Molina Transportation, Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,378
Hill Country Home Health wage and hour violation2009WHD$32,376
AMERICAN WOODMARK CORPORATIONAmerican Woodmarkbuilding materialswage and hour violation2009KY-DWS$32,376
Alice R. Berkowitz, PH.D, A professional Psychology Corporation wage and hour violation2023CA-LCO$32,376
Express Medical Transportation Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$32,375
Carwash Partners wage and hour violation2014WHD$32,373
Community Wide In-Home, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$32,372
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, AFL-CIO, & CLC, Local 195 labor relations violation2020NLRB$32,372
D. Kavanagh Motors, Inc. wage and hour violation2017CA-LCO$32,372
Lakeside Building Maintenance Company; Jones, Lang LaSalle; and Cass Services, Inc. (Joint Employers) labor relations violation2004NLRB$32,371
Grand Sudz Entreprises Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$32,371
Thoms Bros. Landscaping, Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$32,371
Compassionate Covenant Adult Day Care, INC wage and hour violation2016WHD$32,371
United Labor Agency employment discrimination2023EEOC$32,371
Herbst Auto Service, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$32,370
Genesis Home Care wage and hour violation2018WHD$32,369
Owens Soft Water, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$32,366
Watson Home Health Care, Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,366
El Puerto, LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$32,364
BMJ Garcia Care Home, LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,363
Cabezut International INC wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,362
LC Incorporated wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,358
Key Energy Services, LLCKey Energy Servicesoilfield services and supplieswage and hour violation2013WHD$32,355
Arc Bridges Inc. labor relations violation2010NLRB$32,348
Sun Foods, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$32,346
Benjamin M. Ramirez Harvesting Inc. wage and hour violation2022WHD$32,344
ES&R Construction, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$32,343
Gigio's Pizzeria wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,343
Dennis T. Hardy Electric, Inc. labor relations violation2001NLRB$32,341
The Regents of Mercersburg College wage and hour violation2005WHD$32,340
SG Collection, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$32,340
Nextgen Of Detroit Llc wage and hour violation2019MI-LEO$32,340
Life Line Studios, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,339
K & S Communication Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$32,338
Advance Auto PartsAdvance Auto Partsretailinglabor relations violation2001NLRB$32,338
360 Degree Customer Inc. wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$32,335
Centramed, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$32,334
360 Degree Customer Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$32,334
Voros Plumbing and Heating and Supply wage and hour violation2010WHD$32,333
Fort Wayne Liquid Coatings, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$32,332
Flex Epoxy FLooring, Inc wage and hour violation2021WHD$32,332
Pool City, Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$32,330
LIC New Trend wage and hour violation2005WHD$32,328
HSC Management Corp wage and hour violation2023NY-DOL$32,328
Sunshine International Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$32,327
Revis Engineering Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$32,327
Mariposa Ltd, LLC wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$32,324
C and D's Guest Homes, Inc. wage and hour violation2015WHD$32,323
One Way Cleaning Company, Inc wage and hour violation2017WHD$32,323
Cornerstone Systems, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$32,322
QUALITY MORTGAGE LENDING wage and hour violation2014IL-DOL$32,322
NOPI Enterprises Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$32,322
Rick Thompson Electric Co. Inc. wage and hour violation2020WHD$32,322
P B S Engineers, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$32,320
Unified Business Technologies, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$32,318
Lonoke Tire & Lube, Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$32,317
Cameron Farms, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$32,316
CAL Structure, Inc. wage and hour violation2022CA-LCO$32,315
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.