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Company: CPR Holdings, No. 1, LLC and Flynn Construction Management
Penalty: $19,170
Year: 2021
Date: January 2, 2021
Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Primary Offense: asbestos violation
Violation Description: CPR Holdings, No. 1, LLC and Flynn Construction Management were jointly and severally given a $19,170 civil penalty in an Enforcement Order finding the violated asbestos regulations by renovating the commercial structure located at 5916 Penn Ave without first performing an asbestos survey, performing renovation activities without using a licensed asbestos abatement contactor and without using standard work procedures, and without a valid asbestos permit from the ACHD
Level of Government: local
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Allegheny County (PA) Health Department
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
Facility State: Pennsylvania
Facility City: Pittsburgh
Source of Data:
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Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Violation Tracker
Data Sources page for an updated link.
Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the
Update Log.