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Company: U.S. Minerals, Inc.
Current Parent Company:
U.S. Minerals
Parent at the Time of the Penalty Announcement:
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Penalty: $393,200
Year: 2021
Date: December 10, 2021
Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Primary Offense: environmental violation
Violation Description: U.S. Minerals, Inc., a corporation that admitted to exposing employees at its former Anaconda plant to elevated levels of arsenic, was sentenced to a maximum probationary term, fined and ordered to enact a medical monitoring plan for workers at the Montana plant and a nationwide environmental health and safety plan at its five other plants. U.S. Minerals was sentenced as recommended in a plea agreement to a maximum of five years of probation and to ordered to pay a $393,200 criminal fine.
Level of Government: federal
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency referral to the Justice Department
Civil or Criminal Case: criminal
Facility State: Montana
HQ Country of Current Parent: USA
HQ State of Current Parent: Indiana
Ownership Structure of Current Parent: privately held
Major Industry of Current Parent: mining and minerals
Specific Industry of Current Parent: minerals
Source of Data:
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Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Violation Tracker
Data Sources page for an updated link.
Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the
Update Log.