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Company: Arnt Construction Company, Inc.
Penalty: $12,000
Year: 2021
Date: January 29, 2021
Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Primary Offense: environmental violation
Violation Description: Construction Stormwater - The MPCA, partnering with Rice Creek Watershed District, determined that a vacuum truck had malfunctioned and discharged sediment and sediment-laden water into an adjacent wetland that feeds into Lost Lake. This incident was not reported to the State Duty Officer and MPCA as required, nor was it recovered and cleaned up within an acceptable timeframe. In addition, 21 storm drains at the site lacked the required protections to prevent sediment from washing into them.
Level of Government: state
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
Facility State: Minnesota
Facility City: Willernie
Source of Data:
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Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the
Update Log.