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Company: C & L Drainage
Penalty: $15,000
Year: 2002
Date: November 25, 2002
Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Primary Offense: environmental violation
Violation Description: The owners of C & L Drainage were ordered to pay $15,000 in settlement of allegations it failed to contact the One Call Center 48 hours before drilling or excavation so that underground facilities may be located and marked, resulting in their tilling machine puncturing a BP pipeline and causing an estimated $500,000 damage in repair and clean-up costs.
Level of Government: state
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Iowa Attorney General
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
Facility State: Iowa
Source of Data:
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Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Violation Tracker
Data Sources page for an updated link.
Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the
Update Log.