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Violation Tracker Individual Record

Company: ZionSolutions LLC
Penalty: $17,500
Year: 2014
Date: May 28, 2014
Offense Group: safety-related offenses
Primary Offense: nuclear safety violation
Violation Description: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed a $17,500 civil penalty against ZionSolutions LLC for the Zion nuclear power plant, for security-related violations stemming from a routine agency security inspection. The NRC conducted the inspection between June 2013 and February 2014. Agency inspectors looked at the security requirements for the permanently shutdown plant, conducted an onsite inspection and reviewed licensee-identified security violations. The plant took corrective actions to address the security violations, but to emphasize the importance of taking prompt and comprehensive corrective actions for the violations the NRC has proposed a $17,500 civil penalty. Details about security-related violations are not made public.
Level of Government: federal
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
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Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the Update Log.