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Company: UniRush LLC
Penalty: $13,000,000
Year: 2017
Date: February 1, 2017
Offense Group: consumer-protection-related offenses
Primary Offense: consumer protection violation
Violation Description: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau took action against Mastercard and UniRush for breakdowns that it said left tens of thousands of economically vulnerable RushCard users unable to access their own money to pay for basic necessities. In October 2015, a rash of preventable failures by Mastercard and UniRush meant that many customers could not use their RushCard to get their paychecks and other direct deposits, take out cash, make purchases, pay bills, or get accurate balance information. UniRush then failed to provide customer service to many consumers who reached out for help during the service breakdown. The CFPB ordered Mastercard and UniRush to pay an estimated $10 million in restitution to tens of thousands of harmed customers and fined Mastercard and UniRush $3 million.
Level of Government: federal
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
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Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the
Update Log.