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Violation Tracker Individual Record

Company: Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc.
Current Parent CompanyBWX Technologies
Parent at the Time of the Penalty Announcement subscribe to see this data field
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Penalty: $32,500
Year: 2006
Date: April 21, 2006
Offense Group: safety-related offenses
Primary Offense: nuclear safety violation
Violation Description: On April 21, 2006, a Notice of Violation (NOV) and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties in the amount of $32,500 was issued to Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS). This action is based on a Severity Level III problem associated with two violations. The first violation involved the failure to develop and implement a design for the uranium-aluminum enclosure overflow system which provided that Items Relied on for Safety (IROFS) would be reliable and available to perform their function when needed. The second violation involved the failure to report a condition that resulted in the facility being in a state that was not analyzed, and which resulted in failure to meet the performance requirements of 10 CFR 70.61.
Level of Government: federal
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
HQ Country of Current Parent: USA
HQ State of Current Parent: Virginia
Ownership Structure of Current Parent: publicly traded
Major Industry of Current Parent: industrial services
Specific Industry of Current Parent: industrial services
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Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the Update Log.