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Violation Tracker Individual Record

Company: Mirror Trading International Proprietary Limited
Penalty: $1,700,000,000
Year: 2023
Date: September 7, 2023
Offense Group: financial offenses
Primary Offense: investor protection violation
Violation Description: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced that a federal judge entered a consent order against Mirror Trading International Proprietary Limited, finding it liable for fraud in connection with retail foreign currency (forex) transactions, fraud by a commodity pool operator (CPO), registration violations, and failure to comply with CPO regulations. The order stems from a CFTC complaint filed on June 30, 2022 and requires MTI to pay more than $1.7 billion in restitution to defrauded victims.
Level of Government: federal
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Civil or Criminal Case: civil
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Current parent company note: Parent-subsidiary relationship is current as of the most recent revision listed in the Update Log.