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Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

Current Parent Company Name: Carlyle Group
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol CG)
Headquartered in: District of Columbia
Major Industry: private equity (including portfolio companies)
Specific Industry: private equity (including portfolio companies)
Penalty total since 2000$295,587,802
Number of records: 179
Top 5 Offense Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Records
competition-related offenses$232,575,96713
financial offenses$28,500,0002
employment-related offenses$16,399,72933
consumer-protection-related offenses$12,341,6479
environment-related offenses$3,728,85151
Top 5 Primary Offense TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Records
price-fixing or anti-competitive practices$229,580,45411
investor protection violation$28,500,0002
wage and hour violation$15,455,71025
consumer protection violation$12,000,0001
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act$2,981,5131
Notes: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on relationships current as of the latest revision listed in the Update Log, which may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred. The penalty totals are adjusted to account for the fact that the individual entries below may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. The totals are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the list below.

Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory penalties in more than 50 other countries, see its Violation Tracker Global summary page here.

Subsidy Tracker data on financial assistance to this company by federal, state and local government agencies can be found here.

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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CompanyPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Carlyle Groupprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2015private lawsuit-federal$115,000,000
Akzo Nobel Chemicals International B.V.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2006DOJ_ANTITRUST$32,000,000
Akzo Nobel Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2008private lawsuit-federal$23,380,000
Carlyle Groupinvestor protection violation2009NY-AG$20,000,000
Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2007private lawsuit-federal$14,900,000
Arctic Glacier Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2011private lawsuit-federal$12,500,000
Rexall Sundown, Inc.consumer protection violation2003FTC$12,000,000
Akzo Nobel Chemicals BVprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2001DOJ_ANTITRUST$12,000,000
Acosta Saleswage and hour violation2013private lawsuit-federal$9,900,000
Arctic Glacier International Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2009DOJ_ANTITRUST$9,000,000
Carlyle Investment Management L.L.C. et al.investor protection violation2025SEC$8,500,000
Akzo Nobelprice-fixing or anti-competitive practices2001private lawsuit-federal$7,500,000
Akzo Nobel N.V.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act2007SEC$2,981,513
Sedgwick Claims Managementwage and hour violation2017private lawsuit-state$2,500,000
Akzo Nobel Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2009MULTI-AG$2,275,454
ManTech International Corp.wage and hour violation2018WHD$1,184,722
ManTech Advanced Systems International, Inc.False Claims Act and related2019USAO$750,000
Mantech International Corporationemployment screening violation2017private lawsuit-federal$730,000
Akzo Nobel Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2010private lawsuit-federal$675,000
Bridgeport Energy, LLCenvironmental violation2009CT-ENV$643,594
Nouryon Functional Chemicals LLCair pollution violation2019EPA$450,000
ManTech International Corporationwage and hour violation2017WHD$405,247
Arctic Glacier International, Inc.price-fixing or anti-competitive practices2010MI-AG$350,000
ManTech International Corporationwage and hour violation2017WHD$322,128
INTERNATIONAL CONVERTER, LLC.environmental violation2010EPA$300,000
Arctic Glacier USA Inc.hazardous waste violation2023EPA$232,593
ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC.environmental violation2023EPA$232,593
ManTech International Corporationwage and hour violation2012WHD$208,553
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, violation2018IN-INS$200,000
Mantech Telecommunications & Information Systwage and hour violation2012WHD$186,510
Arctic Glacier U.S.A., Inc.air pollution violation2023EPA$169,400
AKZO NOBEL SURFACE CHEMISTRY LLCenvironmental violation2017EPA$166,250
Sedgwickwage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$150,000
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$145,000
ManTechTelecommunications Information Systemswage and hour violation2006WHD$131,165
Nouryon Functional Chemicals LLCenvironmental violation2024EPA$125,000
International Converter LLClabor relations violation2011NLRB$124,000
ManTech International Corporationwage and hour violation2012WHD$105,661
Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$90,216
Mantech Advanced Systems International, Inc.wage and hour violation2021WHD$89,654
Sedgwick Claims Management Services Incinsurance violation2019NY-DFS$75,000
Nouryon Surface Chemistry LLCenvironmental violation2022EPA$71,830
SEQUA COATINGS, LLCenvironmental violation2009EPA$65,000
INTERNATIONAL CONVERTER LLCworkplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$62,221
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2013OSHA$60,000
INTERNATIONAL CONVERTER LLCworkplace safety or health violation2020OSHA$60,000
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2024OSHA$55,350
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$55,008
Akzo Nobel Chemicals Deer Parkenvironmental violation2015TX-ENV$55,000
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2012OSHA$52,800
ROLL COATER, INC.environmental violation2010EPA$51,000
Sequa Corporation, dba Precoat Metalsenvironmental violation2022MS-ENV$48,375
SRS Technologieswage and hour violation2004WHD$47,485
Sequa Corporationenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$46,580
ATOTECH USA, LLCenvironmental violation2023EPA$46,000
ARCTIC GLACIER INC.workplace safety or health violation2007OSHA$45,250
ManTech Systems International, Inc.wage and hour violation2016WHD$39,882
Akzo Nobel Industrial Specialties Inc.environmental violation2004TX-ENV$39,578
INTERNATIONAL CONVERTER LLCworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$39,364
Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, LLCwater pollution violation2005IL-AG$37,500
Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry LLCwater pollution violation2005IL-ENV$37,500
PRIMEFLIGHT AVIATION SERVICES, INC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$37,413
Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals, LLCenvironmental violation2013EPA$35,000
AKZO NOBEL SURFACE CHEMISTRY, LLCworkplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$34,300
PrimeFlight Aviation Serviceswage and hour violation2011WHD$33,360
SEQUA COATINGS, LLCenvironmental violation2009EPA$31,750
ManTech International Corporationwage and hour violation2012WHD$31,314
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$29,877
Nouryon Functional Chemicalsenvironmental violation2018TX-ENV$29,792
Sequa Corporationenvironmental violation2021TX-ENV$29,693
Akzo Nobel Chemicals LLCenvironmental violation2017TX-ENV$29,631
International Converter, LLCenvironmental violation2008OH-ENV$29,000
ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC.workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$28,126
Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc.environmental violation2010TX-ENV$27,100
Nouryon Surface Chemistry LLCwage and hour violation2021IL-DOL$26,378
ARCTIC GLACIER USA, INC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$25,623
TurboCombustor Technology Inc.employment discrimination2011OFCCP$25,486
AKZO NOBEL SURFACE CHEMISTRY LLCworkplace safety or health violation2018OSHA$25,000
TURBOCOMBUSTOR TECHNOLOGY, INC.workplace safety or health violation2016OSHA$22,400
SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC.workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$22,324
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INCworkplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$22,310
Akzo Nobel Chemicals Deer Parkenvironmental violation2013TX-ENV$21,575
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2015OSHA$21,100
ARCTIC GLACIER U.S.A., INC.workplace safety or health violation2014OSHA$21,000
Akzo Nobel Pulp and Performance Chemicals Inc.railroad safety violation2007FRA$20,250
Akzo Nobel Chemical, Inc.environmental violation2003TX-ENV$20,000
PRIMEFLIGHT AVIATION SERVICESworkplace safety or health violation2019OSHA$19,892
ManTech Advanced Systems Internationalwage and hour violation2013WHD$19,829
Sequa Corporation, d.b.a. Precoat Metalsair pollution violation2017SC-ENV$19,000
Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals LLCenvironmental violation2014TX-ENV$18,601
AKZO NOBEL FUNCTIONAL CHEMICALS LLCenvironmental violation2010EPA$18,200
ARCTIC GLACIER, INC.workplace safety or health violation2011OSHA$18,000
PrimeFlight Aviation Services, Inc.labor relations violation2016NLRB$17,905
Solgar Vitamin & Herbenvironmental violation2004EPA$16,523
Akzo Nobel Catalysts, LLCenvironmental violation2005TX-ENV$16,436
Nouryon Functional Chemicals, LLCenvironmental violation2022AL-ENV$16,000
Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry LLCenvironmental violation2011TX-ENV$15,960
AKZO-NOBELlabor relations violation2006NLRB$15,779
AKZO Nobel Chemicals, Inc.environmental violation2004EPA$15,090
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.