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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: safety-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$119,583,654,080
Number of Penalty Records: 328,837
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
PG&E Corp.$19,273,526,13981
Johnson & Johnson$15,185,228,47927
3M Company$6,033,699,11072
GSK plc$3,982,642,64810
Endo International$3,660,600,0007
Takeda Pharmaceutical$2,400,222,1704

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the current parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
RICKER THERMLINE, INCORPORATED workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$18,275
CORONA CATTLE INC workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$18,275
MUNOZ ROOFING AND ROOF REMOVAL INC. workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$18,275
T A RIVARD INC workplace safety or health violation2023OSHA$18,275
JOHNSON NEWSPAPER CORPORATION workplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$18,273
CHIMNEY WORKS & ROCKY MOUNTAIN STOVES workplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$18,273
SENOX CORPORATION workplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$18,273
MIDWAY DODGE, INCORPORATED II workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,273
POLYMER TECHNOLOGIES INC. workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,273
M & A ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,273
BSC MANAGEMENT, LTD. workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,273
HENDRICK ROOFING, INC. workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,273
LEAK SEALERS INC workplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$18,272
AZTEC STEEL INC. workplace safety or health violation2021OSHA$18,272
CHRISTY WEBBER LANDSCAPES workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,272
American Rock Salt Company LLC workplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,272
Marfork Coal Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,272
UNION INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS, INC workplace safety or health violation2022OSHA$18,271
Lhoist North America of Alabama, LLCLhoist Groupmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$18,271
Freeport-McMoRan Bagdad IncFreeport-McMoRanmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Peabody Twentymile Mining LLCPeabody Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
White Springs Ag Chems Inc dba NutrienNutrien Ltd.chemicalsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$18,271
Imerys Marble IncGroupe Bruxelles Lambertdiversifiedworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
BASF Catalysts LLCBASFchemicalsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
MaRyan Mining LLCForesight Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Peabody Midwest Mining, LLCPeabody Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Big Ridge IncPeabody Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Big Ridge IncPeabody Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Peabody Midwest Mining, LLCPeabody Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Five Star Mining IncFive Star Miningmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Five Star Mining IncFive Star Miningmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsbuilding materialsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Heidelberg Materials US Cement LLCHeidelberg Materialsbuilding materialsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Ridgewood Trucking Inc workplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
McCoy Elkhorn Coal Corp.American Resources Corporationmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$18,271
Warrior Coal LLCAlliance Resource Partnersmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Blue Diamond Coal CompanySev.en Energydiversifiedworkplace safety or health violation2014MSHA$18,271
D & C Mining CorporationD&C Miningmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
D & C Mining CorporationD&C Miningmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
D & C Mining CorporationD&C Miningmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Powell Mountain Energy LLCRhino Resource Partnersmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Solar Coal Company workplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Liggett Mining LLC workplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Rex Coal Company Inc. workplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Rex Coal Company Inc. workplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Hibbing Taconite CompanyCleveland-Cliffsmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$18,271
Cleveland-Cliffs Minorca Mine Inc.Cleveland-Cliffsmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Barber & Sons Aggregate workplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Valley Minerals, LLC workplace safety or health violation2014MSHA$18,271
Newmont USA LimitedNewmont Corporationmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Hycroft Resources & Development, LLC workplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$18,271
Rodeo Creek GoldWaterton Global Resource Managementmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Rodeo Creek GoldWaterton Global Resource Managementmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Nyrstar Tennessee Mines, Strawberry Plains LLCTrafigurafinancial servicesworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Sherwin Alumina Company, LLC workplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Austin Powder CompanyDavis Mining & Manufacturingchemicalsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Canyon Fuel Company LLC workplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$18,271
Newmont Slate Company Inc workplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Consolidation Coal CompanyAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2008MSHA$18,271
Essroc Cement Corp.Quikretebuilding materialsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Essroc Cement Corp.Quikretebuilding materialsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Essroc Cement Corp.Quikretebuilding materialsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Consolidation Coal CompanyAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
McElroy Coal CompanyAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
McElroy Coal CompanyAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
McElroy Coal CompanyAmerican Consolidated Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $18,271
Spartan Mining Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Spartan Mining Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Spartan Mining Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Wolf Run Mining LLCCore Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
ICG Beckley LLCCore Natural Resources Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$18,271
Kingston Mining, Inc.Alpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2015MSHA$18,271
Endurance Mining workplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Alex Energy IncAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Aracoma Coal Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Spartan Mining Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2010MSHA$18,271
Spartan Mining Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Spartan Mining Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
West Virginia Mine Power, IncWest Virginia Mine Power, Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
West Virginia Mine Power, IncWest Virginia Mine Power, Inc.mining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Titan Mining, Inc. workplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Titan Mining, Inc. workplace safety or health violation2007MSHA$18,271
Marfork Coal Company, LLCAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$18,271
Medford Trucking, LLCMedford Truckingfreight and logisticsworkplace safety or health violation2014MSHA$18,271
Medford Trucking, LLCMedford Truckingfreight and logisticsworkplace safety or health violation2014MSHA$18,271
Appalachian Premium Fuels, LLC workplace safety or health violation2009MSHA$18,271
Brody Mining LLCSev.en Energydiversifiedworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$18,271
Brody Mining LLCSev.en Energydiversifiedworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$18,271
Brody Mining LLCSev.en Energydiversifiedworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Big River Mining LLCForesight Energymining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Mammoth Coal CoAlpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Black Castle Mining Company, Inc.Alpha Metallurgical Resourcesmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2013MSHA$18,271
Cliffs Logan County Coal, LLCEnergy and Minerals Groupmining and mineralsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
Chevron Mining IncChevronoil and gasworkplace safety or health violation2011MSHA$18,271
Argos Puerto Rico CorpArgosbuilding materialsworkplace safety or health violation2012MSHA$18,271
ISLAND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC motor vehicle safety violation2008FMCSA$18,270
Landjet Motor Carriers Inc motor vehicle safety violation2017FMCSA$18,270
Road Logistics Llc motor vehicle safety violation2022FMCSA$18,270
Excel Trucking LLC motor vehicle safety violation2023FMCSA$18,270
Las Higueras Trucking LLC motor vehicle safety violation2023FMCSA$18,270
A.M. STERN, INC. workplace safety or health violation2006OSHA$18,270
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.