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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$147,238,821,295
Number of Penalty Records: 88,287
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
3M Company$13,545,243,83656
Occidental Petroleum$5,411,566,252204
American Electric Power$4,696,292,97127
Mercedes-Benz Group$3,114,357,70112
Duke Energy$2,534,958,26963

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Essar Steel Minnesota LLCEssar Groupdiversifiedenvironmental violation2016MN-ENV$11,787
Jones Estates Pace LLC environmental violation2022NC-ENV$11,787
Warren Oil Co., Inc. of Louisburg solid waste violation2008NC-ENV$11,784
J.A. Hereford Industries, Inc. environmental violation2023TX-RRC$11,782
Drew Oil Corp. environmental violation2004RI-ENV$11,781
ExxonMobil Oil CorporationExxon Mobiloil and gasenvironmental violation2018TX-ENV$11,780
Fikes Wholesale, Inc. environmental violation2010TX-ENV$11,780
Recycling Resources air pollution violation2017CA-ARB$11,775
CVS Operating, LLC environmental violation2020TX-RRC$11,775
BIL JIM CONSTRUCTION CO INC underground storage tank violation2024NJ-ENV$11,775
PEARCE PARTNERS, LLC environmental violation2005EPA$11,775
TAIMOOR INC environmental violation2022TX-ENV$11,772
1ST COAST RECYCLING, INC. hazardous waste violation2010FL-DEP$11,770
Radius Operating LLC environmental violation2016TX-RRC$11,768
ISF Trading Company environmental violation2021ME-ENV$11,768
Tillamook RV Park water pollution violation2020OR-ENV$11,767
DOW CHEMICAL COMPANYDow Inc.chemicalshazardous waste violation2018MI-ENV$11,766
HYBO Petroleum, Inc. water pollution violation2024IL-ENV$11,765
Alleghany CL Partners LLC environmental violation2008NC-ENV$11,760
BUCKEYE PORT READING TERMINAL LLCIFM Investorsfinancial servicesair pollution violation2007NJ-ENV$11,760
Rodeo Creek Gold, Inc.Waterton Global Resource Managementmining and mineralsair pollution violation2011NV-ENV$11,760
Jai Shree Narayan Inc. dba Pickett Market underground storage tank violation2019TN-ENV$11,760
BLACK RIVER COAL, LLCJames C. Justice Companiesmining and mineralsmining environmental violation2017VA-MIN$11,760
Diamond Investment LLC underground storage tank violation2023TN-ENV$11,760
Bejo Corp. oil or gas drilling violation2024TX-RRC$11,760
Jay Dhanlaxmi Inc underground storage tank violation2024TN-ENV$11,760
NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS CORPORATIONNorthrop Grummanaerospace and military contractinghazardous waste violation2016FL-DEP$11,759
TRAINER HALE IH 10 TRUCK STOP LLC environmental violation2014TX-ENV$11,754
Flint Hills Resources Port Arthur, LLCKoch Industriesdiversifiedenvironmental violation2013TX-ENV$11,751
Randolph Water Supply Corporation environmental violation2008TX-ENV$11,751
WOLVERINE PIPELINE CO pipeline safety violation2006PHMSA$11,750
Atlantic Express air pollution violation2004NY-AG$11,750
Consolidated Bus Company air pollution violation2004NY-AG$11,750
Logan Bus Company air pollution violation2004NY-AG$11,750
Pioneer Bus Company air pollution violation2004NY-AG$11,750
BERKS PROD CORP environmental violation2013PA-ENV$11,750
Construction Waste Management, Inc. solid waste violation2012AR-ENV$11,750
B & M Painting Company, Inc hazardous waste violation2011AR-ENV$11,750
TPS Motorsports air pollution violation2019CA-ARB$11,750
Peacock Cheese Distribution air pollution violation2015CA-ARB$11,750
Tony J. Beltramo and Sons, Inc. water pollution violation2016CO-DPHE$11,750
AMERIMIX INDUSTRIES air pollution violation2004FL-DEP$11,750
INFINITY ENERGY INC mining environmental violation2018KY-ENV$11,750
INFINITY ENERGY INC mining environmental violation2018KY-ENV$11,750
INFINITY ENERGY, INC. mining environmental violation2018KY-ENV$11,750
INFINITY ENERGY, INC. mining environmental violation2018KY-ENV$11,750
WAKEFIELD MATERIALS CORP environmental violation2003MA-ENV$11,750
Northshore Mining CoCleveland-Cliffsmining and mineralsair pollution violation2010MN-ENV$11,750
PAULSBORO REFINING CO LLCPBF Energyoil and gashazardous waste violation2005NJ-ENV$11,750
ROLFE BUILDING & LUMBER SUPPLY INC hazardous waste violation2001NJ-ENV$11,750
Hindley Industrial Supply Corp. environmental violation2007OH-ENV$11,750
Block Island Power Co. environmental violation2002RI-ENV$11,750
Eastman Chemical CompanyEastman Chemicalchemicalsair pollution violation2019TN-ENV$11,750
Ellinger Sewer and Water Supply Corporation environmental violation2006TX-ENV$11,750
Kyro, Inc. environmental violation2003TX-RRC$11,750
CDC Enterprises environmental violation2002TX-RRC$11,750
Davis Wire Corp.Heico Companiesdiversifiedair pollution violation2010CA-SCAQMD$11,750
Mercury Air CentersMacquariefinancial servicesair pollution violation2006CA-SCAQMD$11,750
Maschmeyer Concrete Company of Florida environmental violation2022FL-DEP$11,750
Sanford Express Convenience Store, Inc. environmental violation2022FL-DEP$11,750
AUTO REPAIR BY JUAN environmental violation2023NJ-ENV$11,750
Monterey Mushrooms, LLCMonterey Mushroomsfood productswater pollution violation2024FL-DEP$11,750
Carro & Carro Enterprises (SB) environmental violation2004EPA$11,750
leaf river ag service environmental violation2007EPA$11,750
RIBV Amarillo, Inc. (TXU010381) (SB) environmental violation2005EPA$11,750
Bluehawk Properties Inc. environmental violation2005EPA$11,750
Michael SchochHilcorp Energyoil and gasenvironmental violation2011EPA$11,750
ITW PRO BRANDSIllinois Tool Worksindustrial equipmentenvironmental violation2019EPA$11,749
McLaughlin Transportation Systems, Inc. environmental violation2023EPA$11,746
Reneau Oil Co. environmental violation2018TX-RRC$11,745
CON-WAY FREIGHT, INC.XPO Logisticsfreight and logisticsenvironmental violation2008EPA$11,744
1417 SOHO Investment, Inc. environmental violation2023FL-DEP$11,740
Morton International IncStone Canyon Industriesdiversifiedenvironmental violation2005EPA$11,738
Agri Laboratories, LTD pesticide violation2011CA-DPR$11,737
GENERAL SANDBLASTING environmental violation2005MA-ENV$11,736
Deer Valley Farms environmental violation2020VT-DEC$11,736
Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLCVeolia Groupwaste management and environmental servicesenvironmental violation2008EPA$11,735
Michael D. Farr environmental violation2024EPA$11,734
INTERSTATE GAS MKT INC environmental violation2002PA-ENV$11,730
Loye's Tree Farm environmental violation2003NC-ENV$11,730
Detroit Collision Center, Inc. environmental violation2004RI-ENV$11,730
Leonard Companies Family L.P. environmental violation2018VA-ENV$11,730
LES CHATEAX APARTMENTS, LLC (SB) environmental violation2011EPA$11,730
Bargath LLCWilliams Companiesoil and gasair pollution violation2016CO-DPHE$11,725
Surface Maintenance Services, Inc. hazardous waste violation2021IL-ENV$11,725
Smith Petroleum Company environmental violation2021TX-RRC$11,725
GORMAN PAVING & KERRIGAN PAVING , INC environmental violation2012EPA$11,725
SAVAGE SERVICES CORPORATIONSavage Companiesdiversifiedenvironmental violation2013OR-ENV$11,722
COFFEY LABORATORIES INCORPORATED hazardous waste violation2008OR-ENV$11,722
Bianca Enterprises, Inc. environmental violation2019TX-ENV$11,721
Gpm Empire, LLC underground storage tank violation2024TX-ENV$11,721
ARCO REALTY COMPANY (SB) environmental violation2010EPA$11,720
Monster Gardens pesticide violation2020CA-DPR$11,718
Spring Cress Office Park water pollution violation2010TN-ENV$11,717
CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLCExpand Energy Corporationoil and gasenvironmental violation2010PA-ENV$11,715
JIND INTERESTS LLC environmental violation2012TX-ENV$11,715
Mountain States Finishing hazardous waste violation2005CO-DPHE$11,712
Almeda Ost Med Center, L.L.C. environmental violation2015TX-ENV$11,712
KB HOMES/COUNTRY VIEW air pollution violation2023CA-SCAQMD$11,710
REDLANDS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL air pollution violation2024CA-SCAQMD$11,710
Neil and Mary Lou Cowen (sb) environmental violation2007EPA$11,710
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.