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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$147,238,821,295
Number of Penalty Records: 88,287
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
3M Company$13,545,243,83656
Occidental Petroleum$5,411,566,252204
American Electric Power$4,696,292,97127
Mercedes-Benz Group$3,114,357,70112
Duke Energy$2,534,958,26963

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Vacco Marine, Inc. environmental violation2005EPA$14,239
Pacemaker Leasing Co. solid waste violation2002NC-ENV$14,238
A A ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CO INC environmental violation2009EPA$14,238
PACIFIC SHRIMP, INC. environmental violation2005OR-ENV$14,235
VERTELLUS HEALTH & SPECIALTY PROD LLCPritzker Groupdiversifiedenvironmental violation2008PA-ENV$14,233
MKT HILLSBORO II, LLC environmental violation2015OR-ENV$14,226
Selective Structures, LLC air pollution violation2013TN-ENV$14,223
The Broadwy Group, LLC water pollution violation2013GA-ENV$14,222
Trust A of Timothy Persons environmental violation2012VT-DEC$14,222
Fleetwood Homes, Inc.Cavco Industriesmiscellaneous manufacturingenvironmental violation2016VA-ENV$14,219
TEXAS KSD ENTERPRISE INC environmental violation2021TX-ENV$14,216
MOLD BASE INDUSTRIES, INC. environmental violation2024EPA$14,216
Still Oil, Co. solid waste violation2002NC-ENV$14,215
Iberiabank CorpFirst Horizon Nationalfinancial servicesenvironmental violation2017LA-ENV$14,213
Doswell LP environmental violation2019VA-ENV$14,212
Holland and Harley Construction environmental violation2018EPA$14,210
EAST COAST AIRCRAFT PAINTING INC hazardous waste violation2019FL-DEP$14,210
Holland and Harvey Construction, Inc. environmental violation2017EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $14,210
GIVING GOOD LUCK INC environmental violation2019TX-ENV$14,208
CONOCOPHILLIPS COPhillips 66oil and gasenvironmental violation2002PA-ENV$14,200
KEYSTONE FILLER & MFG CO environmental violation2004PA-ENV$14,200
Beulah Properties, LLC environmental violation2016AL-ENV$14,200
Mitt Lary Partners, LLC environmental violation2014AL-ENV$14,200
SMM South Corporation hazardous waste violation2013AL-ENV$14,200
SHYAM FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP environmental violation2008FL-DEP$14,200
LUHRS CORPORATION hazardous waste violation2007FL-DEP$14,200
HOKU SCIENTIFIC INC hazardous waste violation2006HI-ENV$14,200
PREGIS INNOVATIVE PACKAGING INCWarburg Pincusprivate equity (including portfolio companies)air pollution violation2007IN-ENV$14,200
WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MASS INCWaste Management Inc.waste management and environmental servicesenvironmental violation2001MA-ENV$14,200
Wesley Community Development Corp. environmental violation2008NC-ENV$14,200
ACTAVIS ELIZABETH LLCTeva Pharmaceutical Industriespharmaceuticalsair pollution violation2003NJ-ENV$14,200
Hoosick Forest Products environmental violation2018NY-ENV$14,200
Thompson Island LLC environmental violation2018NY-ENV$14,200
Colgate-Palmolive Co.Colgate-Palmolivehousehold and personal care productsenvironmental violation2008OH-ENV$14,200
MJN BUILDER LLC asbestos violation2016OR-ENV$14,200
New Market Grocery underground storage tank violation2017TN-ENV$14,200
Wood River Market underground storage tank violation2017TN-ENV$14,200
Lil Sis's One Stop underground storage tank violation2012TN-ENV$14,200
Pilot Corporation dba Pilot Store #173 underground storage tank violation2011TN-ENV$14,200
Super Gas underground storage tank violation2010TN-ENV$14,200
Nel-Mark Properties, LLC environmental violation2009TX-ENV$14,200
Genepa Petroleum Co. environmental violation2018TX-RRC$14,200
Kinder Morgan Operating L.P.Kinder Morganpipelinesenvironmental violation2018VA-ENV$14,200
MWH Americas Inc. air pollution violation2013CA-SCAQMD$14,200
MILLERCOORS USA, LLCMolson Coors Beveragebeveragesair pollution violation2023CA-SCAQMD$14,200
Galveston Bay Operating Co. LLC environmental violation2023TX-RRC$14,200
Talon Products, LLC environmental violation2023IN-ENV$14,200
Laketon Refining Corporation hazardous waste violation2024IN-ENV$14,200
Michael SchochHilcorp Energyoil and gasenvironmental violation2011EPA$14,200
Hoku Scientific Inc. (SB) environmental violation2006EPA$14,200
Chesapeake Petroleum, LLC environmental violation2015TX-RRC$14,199
HOLCIM (US) INCHolcim Groupbuilding materialsenvironmental violation2000PA-ENV$14,198
Berry Hill Subdivision water pollution violation2008TN-ENV$14,194
Industrial Machine Works, Inc. environmental violation2012VA-ENV$14,194
Lake Texoma Highport, L.L.C. environmental violation2012TX-ENV$14,192
Armortex (EPCRA 313) environmental violation2008EPA$14,185
Tie Tek, LLC environmental violation2009EPA$14,185
BASF FINA Petrochemicals Limited PartnershipBASFchemicalsenvironmental violation2010TX-ENV$14,184
The Southern Finishing Company, Incorporated air pollution violation2008NC-ENV$14,181
EXELON GENERATION CO LLCExelonutilities and power generationenvironmental violation2013PA-ENV$14,180
Merito Retail, Inc. environmental violation2013TX-ENV$14,180
Greeheyco, Inc. environmental violation2017TX-RRC$14,180
Four Corners Market solid waste violation2009NC-ENV$14,179
Atkins Grocery solid waste violation2009NC-ENV$14,176
Cub Creek Energy air pollution violation2018CO-DPHE$14,175
Union Carbide CorporationDow Inc.chemicalsenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$14,175
MIDDLESEX WATER CO environmental violation2021NJ-ENV$14,175
Northern Colorado Constructors environmental violation2023CO-DPHE$14,175
BLOMMER CHOCOLATE CO environmental violation2015PA-ENV$14,174
Underground Warehouses Inc. (Quincy) environmental violation2006EPA$14,170
KERRY INGREDIENTS AND FLAVOURSKerry Groupfood productsenvironmental violation2012EPA$14,169
NRG CHALK POINT, LLCNRG Energyutilities and power generationenvironmental violation2014EPA$14,168
Drilling Structures International, Inc. environmental violation2013TX-ENV$14,166
Handy Dandy Food Stores, Inc. solid waste violation2002NC-ENV$14,165
SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY PROD CO environmental violation2014PA-ENV$14,164
MBO, LLC of Delaware environmental violation2014LA-ENV$14,164
Donlan Investments, Inc. hazardous waste violation2001CA-DTSC$14,163
Davis Gas Processing, Inc.West Texas Gasmiscellaneous energy products and systemsenvironmental violation2012TX-ENV$14,161
Silica Industries, LLC environmental violation2019MT-ENV$14,160
Jack's Market underground storage tank violation2020TN-ENV$14,160
Narayan20 Inc environmental violation2023TN-ENV$14,160
IP Investment Group LLC underground storage tank violation2024TN-ENV$14,160
QVC, INC.Qurate Retailretailingenvironmental violation2022EPA$14,160
TOTAL PETROCHEMICALS USA, INC.TotalEnergies SEoil and gasenvironmental violation2008TX-ENV$14,158
Saleen fuel economy (CAFE) violation2008NHTSA$14,157
New Excelsior, Inc. solid waste violation2017NC-ENV$14,154
RANGE RESOURCES APPALACHIA LLCRange Resourcesoil and gasenvironmental violation2013PA-ENV$14,150
Composite Solutions, LLC air pollution violation2015TN-ENV$14,150
Composite Solutions, LLC air pollution violation2014TN-ENV$14,150
Norcraft Companies, L.P. environmental violation2018VA-ENV$14,150
American Crystal Sugar CompanyAmerican Crystal Sugaragribusinessenvironmental violation2023MN-ENV$14,150
San Juan Industrial Park/VS Group Park Corp. environmental violation2007EPA$14,150
HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT OF KANSAS, INC environmental violation2005EPA$14,150
M&M General Contractors, Inc. environmental violation2014TX-RRC$14,148
RMDC, Inc. environmental violation2022FL-DEP$14,147
Molo-Twin LLC environmental violation2023MN-ENV$14,141
YFZ Land, LLC environmental violation2006TX-ENV$14,140
LAND DEV PARTNERSHIP 2 water pollution violation2001IN-ENV$14,137
Lebanon Scrap Metals and Salvage water pollution violation2016TN-ENV$14,135
LAM JKM LLC solid waste violation2019NJ-ENV$14,132
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.