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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$147,238,821,295
Number of Penalty Records: 88,287
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
3M Company$13,545,243,83656
Occidental Petroleum$5,411,566,252204
American Electric Power$4,696,292,97127
Mercedes-Benz Group$3,114,357,70112
Duke Energy$2,534,958,26963

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Motiva EnterprisesSaudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)oil and gasenvironmental violation2002DE-ENV$15,000
Diamond State Port Corp. environmental violation2001DE-ENV$15,000
GULF COAST UTILITY CONTRACTORS, LLC environmental violation2017FL-DEP$15,000
ANDERSON COLUMBIA CO., INC. environmental violation2014FL-DEP$15,000
FOSTER'S AIRCRAFT REFINISHING, INC. hazardous waste violation2011FL-DEP$15,000
B.S. FOOD & GAS, INC. environmental violation2010FL-DEP$15,000
CHEMKO TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. hazardous waste violation2010FL-DEP$15,000
JEA-Jacksonville Electric Authority drinking water violation2008FL-DEP$15,000
IFCO SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA, INC.Triton Investments Advisersfinancial servicesair pollution violation2008FL-DEP$15,000
E. L. WILLIAMS, INC. environmental violation2007FL-DEP$15,000
LAUNDRY KING, L.L.C. hazardous waste violation2007FL-DEP$15,000
PERKO, INC. hazardous waste violation2006FL-DEP$15,000
NEW HOPE POWER PARTNERSHIP air pollution violation2004FL-DEP$15,000
FLORIDA WATER SERVICES, INC. environmental violation2003FL-DEP$15,000
SEBRING LANDFILL, INC. solid waste violation2003FL-DEP$15,000
EXXONMOBILExxon Mobiloil and gasenvironmental violation2003FL-DEP$15,000
PARADISE OF PORT RICHEY, INC. environmental violation2002FL-DEP$15,000
ANDRX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.Teva Pharmaceutical Industriespharmaceuticalshazardous waste violation2001FL-DEP$15,000
TAMPA AIRLINES S.A. CARGO hazardous waste violation2001FL-DEP$15,000
PRIMO MINI MART, INC. environmental violation2000FL-DEP$15,000
SOLUTIA, INC.Eastman Chemicalchemicalsenvironmental violation2000FL-DEP$15,000
AEROTHRUST CORPORATION hazardous waste violation2000FL-DEP$15,000
Comfort Homes of Georgia, LLC water pollution violation2019GA-ENV$15,000
King America Finishing, Inc water pollution violation2019GA-ENV$15,000
Wright Brothers Construction Company Inc.Wright Brothers Constructionconstruction and engineeringwater pollution violation2018GA-ENV$15,000
Gold Creek Foods, LLC water pollution violation2018GA-ENV$15,000
Coreslab Strutures (Atlanta) Inc. solid waste violation2016GA-ENV$15,000
D.L. Lee & Sons, Inc. water pollution violation2016GA-ENV$15,000
MI Windows and Doors, LLC solid waste violation2014GA-ENV$15,000
C. W. Mathews Contracting Co., Inc. solid waste violation2013GA-ENV$15,000
TBG Residential water pollution violation2013GA-ENV$15,000
Walsh's Mobile Home Park drinking water violation2012GA-ENV$15,000
United Community Bank water pollution violation2012GA-ENV$15,000
Veolia ES Taylor County Landfill, LLCVeolia Groupwaste management and environmental servicessolid waste violation2011GA-ENV$15,000
C.W. Matthews Contracting Co. solid waste violation2011GA-ENV$15,000
J & J Chemical Company water pollution violation2010GA-ENV$15,000
LongLake Home Owners Association environmental violation2008GA-ENV$15,000
ABC Kersey Septic Tank Service water pollution violation2008GA-ENV$15,000
Ellis & Associates, Inc. radioactive waste violation2008GA-ENV$15,000
Owens CorningOwens Corningbuilding materialsair pollution violation2007GA-ENV$15,000
Marchem Southeast air pollution violation2006GA-ENV$15,000
Bellsouth TelecommunicationsAT&Ttelecommunicationsair pollution violation2006GA-ENV$15,000
Rooster Youngblood Construction water pollution violation2006GA-ENV$15,000
Dover Bluff Economic Development, LLC and Precision Built Landscapes, Inc. water pollution violation2006GA-ENV$15,000
Peachtree Homes, Inc. environmental violation2005GA-ENV$15,000
DAC Enterprises, Inc. water pollution violation2005GA-ENV$15,000
Master Graphic Services air pollution violation2005GA-ENV$15,000
Douglas Asphalt Company water pollution violation2005GA-ENV$15,000
Affordable Residential Communities water pollution violation2005GA-ENV$15,000
Regional Senior Living, Inc. water pollution violation2005GA-ENV$15,000
MCF Systems Atlanta, Inc. hazardous waste violation2004GA-ENV$15,000
Marston Plantations, Inc. and Walhali Thronateeska, Inc. water pollution violation2004GA-ENV$15,000
Southern Champion Services water pollution violation2004GA-ENV$15,000
General Motors CorporationGeneral Motorsmotor vehicleshazardous waste violation2003GA-ENV$15,000
Fielbon Development LLC water pollution violation2003GA-ENV$15,000
Bankhead Enterprises, Incorporated air pollution violation2003GA-ENV$15,000
Tool & Die Co. water pollution violation2003GA-ENV$15,000
Isotec International, Inc. water pollution violation2003GA-ENV$15,000
Hercules IncorporatedAshland Inc.chemicalsair pollution violation2002GA-ENV$15,000
Durango Paper Company air pollution violation2001GA-ENV$15,000
Eagle Golf Ventures Inc. water pollution violation2001GA-ENV$15,000
J. R. Morgan Oil Company underground storage tank violation2001GA-ENV$15,000
Chart Industries, IncorporatedChart Industriesoil and gashazardous waste violation2001GA-ENV$15,000
Roger Wood Foods Inc. air pollution violation2000GA-ENV$15,000
Lakeview Utilities water pollution violation2000GA-ENV$15,000
Graphic Tools, Inc. hazardous waste violation2000GA-ENV$15,000
Callaway Farms; Farm B animal feeding operation violation2012IA-ENV$15,000
Casey's General Stores, Inc.Casey's General Storesretailingunderground storage tank violation2006IA-ENV$15,000
IDAHO SUPREME POTATOES environmental violation2006ID-ENV$15,000
SORRENTO LACTALIS INCLactalisfood productsenvironmental violation2002ID-ENV$15,000
LAKE BOOK MFG air pollution violation2019IL-ENV$15,000
FRANKLIN RECORD d/b/a QUALITY DISPOSAL CO. & MARY LOU RECORD solid waste violation2018IL-ENV$15,000
ROCKBUILD ENTERPRISES INC solid waste violation2018IL-ENV$15,000
C.L.R. AUTO TRANSPORT air pollution violation2018IL-ENV$15,000
BLACK GOLD RANCH & FEEDLOT water pollution violation2017IL-ENV$15,000
ASTRO TIRE REMOVAL INC solid waste violation2017IL-ENV$15,000
ROAD PRODUCTION MATERIALS LLC air pollution violation2017IL-ENV$15,000
J.B. TIMMERMAN FARMS LTD water pollution violation2017IL-ENV$15,000
BLICK'S CONSTRUCTION, INC air pollution violation2017IL-ENV$15,000
LITTLE TIMBER, LLC water pollution violation2017IL-ENV$15,000
MEADOWS OF BLOOMINGTON, LLC water pollution violation2016IL-ENV$15,000
ANDERSON-SCHUMAKER CO. air pollution violation2016IL-ENV$15,000
BUNGE NORTH AMERICA INCBungeagribusinesssolid waste violation2016IL-ENV$15,000
LHF COMPOST water pollution violation2016IL-ENV$15,000
RIVERTON CABINET air pollution violation2015IL-ENV$15,000
QUALITY BAGS air pollution violation2015IL-ENV$15,000
SCHOFF FARM SERVICE water pollution violation2015IL-ENV$15,000
GRECIANDELIGHT FOODS & GDV ESTES LLC water pollution violation2013IL-ENV$15,000
MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING air pollution violation2013IL-ENV$15,000
WALSH CONSTRUCTION COWalsh Groupconstruction and engineeringwater pollution violation2013IL-ENV$15,000
A.C. PAVEMENT STRIPING CO water pollution violation2013IL-ENV$15,000
ADVANCED ROOFING air pollution violation2013IL-ENV$15,000
ATKINSON LANDFILL solid waste violation2012IL-ENV$15,000
MARINE MATERIAL HANDLING water pollution violation2012IL-ENV$15,000
WAHL CLIPPER CORP solid waste violation2012IL-ENV$15,000
DEARBORN MANAGEMENT air pollution violation2011IL-ENV$15,000
VILENEAUVE DEV water pollution violation2011IL-ENV$15,000
CIE ENERGY water pollution violation2011IL-ENV$15,000
ROCK CREEK LAND DEVELOPMENT water pollution violation2010IL-ENV$15,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.