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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$147,238,821,295
Number of Penalty Records: 88,287
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
3M Company$13,545,243,83656
Occidental Petroleum$5,411,566,252204
American Electric Power$4,696,292,97127
Mercedes-Benz Group$3,114,357,70112
Duke Energy$2,534,958,26963

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
STONEGATE NORTH PHASES 1 & 3 environmental violation2019IN-ENV$18,150
SPRAY-TEK INC air pollution violation2019NJ-ENV$18,150
Wyman-Gordon Forgings, LPBerkshire Hathawaydiversifiedenvironmental violation2013TX-ENV$18,150
Satina, Inc. dba Donna's Food Market environmental violation2005TX-ENV$18,150
Baldwin & Klein Corp. environmental violation2003TX-RRC$18,150
WESTERN ROTO ENGRAVERS (WRE/COLORTECH) environmental violation2000EPA$18,150
AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES environmental violation2001EPA$18,150
Superior Special Services Inc. environmental violation2002EPA$18,150
Pramac Industries, Inc. (SB) environmental violation2006EPA$18,150
A-2 CONVENIENCE LLC environmental violation2020TX-ENV$18,142
9Wood, Inc. hazardous waste violation2024OR-ENV$18,142
Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LLC(HR Clay E Lease)Occidental Petroleumoil and gasenvironmental violation2005EPA$18,140
Dallas Steel Drums environmental violation2024EPA$18,135
Wilkerson Creek Quarry - Mayland Road Site water pollution violation2019TN-ENV$18,134
Hines Growers, Inc., water pollution violation2019CA-WAT$18,132
Biedermann Manufacturing Industries, Inc. environmental violation2011CT-ENV$18,130
SEQUOIA ENERGY LLC mining environmental violation2016KY-ENV$18,130
Arrmaz Custom ChemicalArkemachemicalsenvironmental violation2021EPA$18,128
DYNAMIC FABRICATORS DIVISION air pollution violation2004ID-ENV$18,125
James Ward environmental violation2013EPA$18,125
ATI WAH CHANG environmental violation2022EPA$18,125
AA ASBESTOS environmental violation2012EPA$18,122
SATURN OF MOBILE, INC. environmental violation2004EPA$18,110
Regal Plating Co. environmental violation2000RI-ENV$18,108
Marcal Manufacturing, LLC environmental violation2014EPA$18,105
KC Renovation & Design Group, LLC lead violation2020EPA$18,102
KC RENOVATIONS & DESIGN GROUP LLC environmental violation2020EPA$18,102
Casey's General Stores, Inc.Casey's General Storesretailingunderground storage tank violation2006IA-ENV$18,101
Casey's General Stores, Inc.Casey's General Storesretailingunderground storage tank violation2006IA-ENV$18,101
Casey's General Stores, Inc.Casey's General Storesretailingunderground storage tank violation2006IA-ENV$18,101
Casey's General Stores, Inc.Casey's General Storesretailingunderground storage tank violation2006IA-ENV$18,101
Casey's General Stores, Inc.Casey's General Storesretailingunderground storage tank violation2006IA-ENV$18,101
UNIVERSAL CONCRETE PROD CORP environmental violation2008PA-ENV$18,100
RANGE RESOURCES APPALACHIA LLCRange Resourcesoil and gasenvironmental violation2010PA-ENV$18,100
St. Joseph Hospital Corporate Services, Inc. environmental violation2011NH-ENV$18,100
Hearn Plating Co., Ltd. environmental violation2001OH-ENV$18,100
Ila Inc. dba Tazewell Citgo underground storage tank violation2011TN-ENV$18,100
Sudden Service No. 60 underground storage tank violation2010TN-ENV$18,100
A & A READY MIXED CONCRETE air pollution violation2023CA-SCAQMD$18,100
BLUE CUBE OPERATIONS LLCOlin Corp.chemicalsenvironmental violation2022TX-ENV$18,091
Apex Anodizing, Inc. environmental violation2020EPA$18,090
SOLARWORLD INDUSTRIES AMERICA LPSolarWorldutilities and power generationenvironmental violation2012WA-ENV$18,090
BLUE DOOR PAINTERS, INC.(SB) environmental violation2015EPA$18,090
Univar USA Inc. fka DPC Enterprises, LPApollo Global Managementprivate equity (including portfolio companies)solid waste violation2014TN-ENV$18,087
Vestcom International, Inc. and Foxfire Printing & Packaging, Inc. environmental violation2017DE-ENV$18,082
Espinoza Stone, Inc. environmental violation2015TX-ENV$18,081
PA GEN ENERGY CO LLC environmental violation2011PA-ENV$18,079
HPT TA Properties Trust environmental violation2009TX-ENV$18,079
SCOT LUBRICANTS OF PENNSYLVANIA (SB) environmental violation2011EPA$18,078
COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATIONCostcoretailingenvironmental violation2014EPA$18,076
Santa Fe Natural Resources Inc. environmental violation2016CO-OIL$18,075
RUSSTECH ADMIXTURES, INC. (SB) environmental violation2014EPA$18,075
Brooks Range Supply, Inc environmental violation2018EPA$18,075
Mesa Operating, LLC environmental violation2021TX-RRC$18,070
ATLANTIC WIRE COMPANY LLC (SB) environmental violation2007EPA$18,070
University of Alabama hazardous waste violation2019AL-ENV$18,067
Tires and Rims environmental violation2019LA-ENV$18,067
GEORGIA-PACIFIC RESINS, INC.Koch Industriesdiversifiedair pollution violation2000OR-ENV$18,067
Lehigh Cement Co.Heidelberg Materialsbuilding materialsenvironmental violation2015VA-ENV$18,065
MAGNESITA REFRACTORIES COMPANY environmental violation2017EPA$18,063
VIBRATION MOUNTING & CONTROLS water pollution violation2015NJ-ENV$18,062
UNIVAR USA, INC.Apollo Global Managementprivate equity (including portfolio companies)environmental violation2016EPA$18,061
Disha Petroleum, LLC solid waste violation2008NC-ENV$18,060
CT LIGHT & POWEREverSource Energyutilities and power generationenvironmental violation2010EPA$18,060
Las Vegas Paving Corporation environmental violation2007EPA$18,060
Thurston Texas Operating Co. LLC oil or gas drilling violation2024TX-RRC$18,058
PAN AMERICAN GROWERS SUPPLY, INC. environmental violation2010EPA$18,053
PCS NITROGEN OHIONutrien Ltd.chemicalsenvironmental violation2010EPA$18,053
NAGGAR REALTY TRUST environmental violation2009MA-ENV$18,050
Denbury Onshore LLCExxon Mobiloil and gaswater pollution violation2014MT-ENV$18,050
JIMMY THE JUNKMAN solid waste violation2018NJ-ENV$18,042
HOLLY DRIVE PROPERTIES INC water pollution violation2007SC-ENV$18,040
Brookshire Brothers, LTD dba Brookshire Brothers #28 environmental violation2002TX-ENV$18,040
Skeeter Products, Inc. environmental violation2004EPA$18,040
PUR O ZONE, INC environmental violation2005EPA$18,040
Antioch Baptist Ch- Humboldt water pollution violation2018TN-ENV$18,035
Fleet National BankBank of Americafinancial servicesenvironmental violation2000RI-ENV$18,034
CCP Composites US LLC environmental violation2014TX-ENV$18,031
MANULIFE FINANCIALManulife Financialfinancial servicesenvironmental violation2008MA-ENV$18,030
RANGE RESOURCES APPALACHIA LLCRange Resourcesoil and gasenvironmental violation2011PA-ENV$18,025
MANJARI INC. environmental violation2020TX-ENV$18,025
Astro Pak Corp. environmental violation2014VA-ENV$18,025
Fletcher Oil Company, Inc. solid waste violation2004NC-ENV$18,022
HPI PRODUCTS, INCHPI Productschemicalsenvironmental violation2013EPA$18,020
Eastlake RV, LP environmental violation2017TX-ENV$18,011
Cle's Stop & Shop solid waste violation2017NC-ENV$18,009
BATTELLE ENERGY ALLIANCE LLCBattellemiscellaneous serviceshazardous waste violation2006ID-ENV$18,007
GIB'S RV'S, INC. environmental violation2005OR-ENV$18,007
QUADVEST, L.P. environmental violation2021TX-ENV$18,007
Ace Hardware Corporation pesticide violation2017CA-DPR$18,006
Tilcon Delaware, Inc. environmental violation2004DE-ENV$18,005
Shale Solutions LLC solid waste violation2014WV-ENV$18,003
SeaCast Inc. hazardous waste violation2014EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $18,000
Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC environmental violation2013EPA$18,000
Forcenergy Inc oil or gas drilling violation2001BSEE$18,000
Matrix Oil & Gas, Inc. oil or gas drilling violation2000BSEE$18,000
Burlington Resources OffshoreConocoPhillipsoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2000BSEE$18,000
Amoco Production CompanyBPoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2000BSEE$18,000
Coppola Bus, Inc. environmental violation2018EPA$18,000
Hutchinson Salt Co.Hutchinson Saltmining and mineralsenvironmental violation2008MO-AG$18,000
Plating Engineering Company air pollution violation2005WI-AG$18,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.