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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$147,238,821,295
Number of Penalty Records: 88,287
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
3M Company$13,545,243,83656
Occidental Petroleum$5,411,566,252204
American Electric Power$4,696,292,97127
Mercedes-Benz Group$3,114,357,70112
Duke Energy$2,534,958,26963

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
DUNHAM FARM CONDOMINIUMS environmental violation2008EPA$22,500
J & S OIL COMPANY environmental violation2012EPA$22,500
G&S SCRAP METAL LLC (SB) environmental violation2015EPA$22,500
NBTY, INC.Nestlefood productsenvironmental violation2000EPA$22,500
SUPERIOR SUPPLEMENTS, INC. environmental violation2000EPA$22,500
A&M MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC environmental violation2001EPA$22,500
PIC Corporation environmental violation2011EPA$22,500
Becton Dickinson Caribe Ltd.Becton Dickinsonmedical equipment and suppliesenvironmental violation2015EPA$22,500
REGAL CAST, INC. environmental violation2006EPA$22,500
RYDER TRUCK RENTAL, INCRyder Systemfreight and logisticsenvironmental violation2014EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $22,500
SCHERRER ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. (SB) environmental violation2014EPA$22,500
CHEMINOVA, INC. environmental violation2010EPA$22,500
RADIO MIAMI INTERNATIONAL, INC. environmental violation2018EPA$22,500
PCC CHEMAX, INC. environmental violation2020EPA$22,500
AIRGAS SPECIALITY PRODUCTS, INC.Air Liquideindustrial servicesenvironmental violation2020EPA$22,500
HERCULES, INCORPORATEDAshland Inc.chemicalsenvironmental violation2008EPA$22,500
SIPCAM ADVAN environmental violation2010EPA$22,500
SIPCAM ADVAN environmental violation2011EPA$22,500
Dow AgroSciences LLCCortevaagribusinessenvironmental violation2011EPA$22,500
Nufarm Americas Inc.Nufarmchemicalsenvironmental violation2012EPA$22,500
NORDOX AS environmental violation2012EPA$22,500
Nufarm Americas Inc.Nufarmchemicalsenvironmental violation2012EPA$22,500
Dynamic Solutions Worldwide, LLC environmental violation2012EPA$22,500
The Dow Chemical CompanyDow Inc.chemicalsenvironmental violation2012EPA$22,500
United Milwaukee Scrap environmental violation2014EPA$22,500
BASF CORPORATIONBASFchemicalsenvironmental violation2019EPA$22,500
Williamson Printing Corporation environmental violation2003EPA$22,500
Dallas Area Rapid Transit & AUI Contractors, L.P. environmental violation2004EPA$22,500
Lion Oil Trading and Transportation, IncDelekoil and gasenvironmental violation2005EPA$22,500
Springs Hill Water Supply environmental violation2008EPA$22,500
TRUESON EXTERIORS LLC environmental violation2019EPA$22,500
Mutch Oil Company environmental violation2004EPA$22,500
LOOMIS, ROBERT AND NANCY - LOOMIS FILL SITE environmental violation2012EPA$22,500
BORSTEIN SEAFOODS, INC environmental violation2018EPA$22,500
WESTERN PETROLEUM COMPANYWorld Kinect Corporationwholesalersenvironmental violation2002EPA$22,500
THE PARMAN CORPORATION environmental violation2002EPA$22,500
Dalton Utilities air pollution violation2004GA-ENV$22,498
ONKEN FEEDLOTS, LLP environmental violation2009EPA$22,490
U-SPRAY, INC environmental violation2024EPA$22,480
BATH IRON WORKS CORPORATIONGeneral Dynamicsaerospace and military contractingenvironmental violation2020EPA$22,479
Concorde Specialty Gases, Inc. environmental violation2019EPA$22,479
FANG CHEMICALS, INC. environmental violation2019EPA$22,479
SACO AEI Polymers environmental violation2019EPA$22,479
YORK BLDG PROD CO INC environmental violation2009PA-ENV$22,475
Farmers' COOP Association (Canby, MN) environmental violation2012EPA$22,475
Junk Cars M&S, Corp. environmental violation2021FL-DEP$22,474
CM MINING, LLC mining environmental violation2019VA-MIN$22,473
Mottley Foils, Inc. environmental violation2022VA-ENV$22,470
Van Der Horst U S A Corporation environmental violation2006TX-ENV$22,464
PEENAKEM LLCMinafinchemicalsenvironmental violation2010EPA$22,463
Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals L.P.Energy Transferpipelinesenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$22,462
Snyder Construction, LLC environmental violation2023NM-ENV$22,458
Sappington Crude Oil West Branch, Michigan environmental violation2023EPA$22,457
Ms. Jeryl L. Olson environmental violation2021EPA$22,455
Jackson Smart Mart underground storage tank violation2010TN-ENV$22,450
Tallassee Store underground storage tank violation2009TN-ENV$22,450
Henry Oil Company dba Dodge's Store #6601 underground storage tank violation2009TN-ENV$22,450
Hill Land Corporation environmental violation2010NC-ENV$22,440
Legend Builders, Inc environmental violation2009NC-ENV$22,440
CVC Specialty Chemicals, Inc. SB environmental violation2004EPA$22,440
Custom Aluminum Products, Inc. environmental violation2004EPA$22,440
Camp Gama Goat Property Owner NC, LP solid waste violation2020NC-ENV$22,436
Clinton T. Anderson environmental violation2013EPA$22,432
JEFFREY CHAIN CORPORATION environmental violation2000EPA$22,430
The Nemours Foundation, Inc. environmental violation2012DE-ENV$22,425
PRN No 2 underground storage tank violation2009TN-ENV$22,425
StrideMark, LLC air pollution violation2007NC-ENV$22,421
12013 Oil Texas, LLC environmental violation2023TX-RRC$22,417
Lake Livingston Water Supply Corporation drinking water violation2022TX-ENV$22,414
Momo Holding Company, Inc. environmental violation2015TX-ENV$22,409
Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries environmental violation2015VA-ENV$22,407
SHELL CHEMICAL LPShell PLCoil and gasenvironmental violation2016EPA$22,407
Clean Harbors Deer Park LLCClean Harbors Inc.waste management and environmental servicesenvironmental violation2015EPA$22,400
Williams Field ServicesWilliams Companiesoil and gaspipeline safety violation2017PHMSA$22,400
WILLIAMS FIELD SERVICESWilliams Companiesoil and gaspipeline safety violation2018PHMSA$22,400
CALIBER NORTH DAKOTA LLC pipeline safety violation2018PHMSA$22,400
MONROE ENERGY LLCDelta Air Linesairlinesenvironmental violation2019PA-ENV$22,400
Decatur-Morgan County Sanitary Landfill solid waste violation2019AL-ENV$22,400
Kaiser Premier air pollution violation2014CO-DPHE$22,400
Noble EnergyChevronoil and gasair pollution violation2013CO-DPHE$22,400
Extraction Oil & GasCivitas Resources Inc.oil and gasair pollution violation2013CO-DPHE$22,400
GCC RIO GRANDEGrupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC)building materialsair pollution violation2010CO-DPHE$22,400
RMK OF INDIANA LLC solid waste violation2012IN-ENV$22,400
COIM USA INC PAULSBORO water pollution violation2020NJ-ENV$22,400
CARNEYS POINT GENERATING PLANT air pollution violation2012NJ-ENV$22,400
SUNOCO INC R&M EAGLE POINT REFINERY air pollution violation2001NJ-ENV$22,400
3307 SE 92ND LLC asbestos violation2019OR-ENV$22,400
PARKER CONCRETE, INC. asbestos violation2015OR-ENV$22,400
ISOMEDIX OPERATIONS, INC.STERISmedical equipment and suppliesair pollution violation2002SC-ENV$22,400
Isaacs Enterprises Inc. dba Fastop #221 underground storage tank violation2019TN-ENV$22,400
C and C Amoco underground storage tank violation2019TN-ENV$22,400
SemPipe, L.P. environmental violation2005TX-ENV$22,400
SPACER COMPANY INCORPORATED (THE) environmental violation2000TX-ENV$22,400
Andarko E&P Company LPOccidental Petroleumoil and gasair pollution violation2007WY-ENV$22,400
Rocky Mountain Midstream environmental violation2021CO-DPHE$22,400
TLR Property Management, Inc. lead violation2021EPA$22,400
Mueller Co. environmental violation2022AL-ENV$22,400
MARATHON PIPE LINE LLCMarathon Petroleumoil and gaspipeline safety violation2022PHMSA$22,400
Custom Steel Design, LLC environmental violation2023IN-ENV$22,400
Uslar Land LLC and Tritech Manufacturing, Inc. hazardous waste violation2024IN-ENV$22,400
FOUR STAR OIL & GAS COMPANY environmental violation2014EPA$22,400
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.