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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: environment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$147,038,259,186
Number of Penalty Records: 88,267
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
3M Company$13,545,243,83656
Occidental Petroleum$5,408,066,252203
American Electric Power$4,696,292,97127
Mercedes-Benz Group$3,114,357,70112
Duke Energy$2,534,958,26963

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
APACHE CORPORATIONAPA Corporationoil and gasenvironmental violation2021TX-ENV$81,000
Waterbury Generation, LLC air pollution violation2023CT-ENV$81,000
LKQ New England - SouthwickLKQwholesalersenvironmental violation2021EPA$81,000
UPM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. environmental violation2019EPA$81,000
Behr Iron & Metal environmental violation2014EPA$81,000
Clasen Fruit and Cold Storage environmental violation2012EPA$80,984
SUNOCO INC (R&M)Energy Transferpipelinesenvironmental violation2010EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $80,912
INFRAMARK, LLC environmental violation2021EPA$80,902
Sulzer Metco (US) Inc. environmental violation2011EPA$80,900
EN-CHRO PLATING environmental violation2002EPA$80,880
Tyson Farms, Inc.Tyson Foodsfood productsenvironmental violation2018TX-ENV$80,850
National Beef California, LPMarfrigfood productsenvironmental violation2015EPA$80,850
Minnesota Valley Alfalfa Producers-MnVAP air pollution violation2007MN-ENV$80,820
Two Harbors Docks environmental violation2006MN-ENV$80,770
Indiana Michigan Power Company, d.b.a. American PoAmerican Electric Powerutilities and power generationenvironmental violation2005EPA$80,769
PLASMINE TECHNOLOGY environmental violation2012EPA$80,758
Process Equipment & Service, Inc. (NMR05B068) environmental violation2004EPA$80,750
TCG Saddlewood Trails, LLC environmental violation2023AL-ENV$80,700
IOWA FERTILIZER COMPANY, LLCKoch Industriesdiversifiedenvironmental violation2015EPA$80,689
PDC ENERGYChevronoil and gasenvironmental violation2023CO-DPHE$80,675
Warner Graham, LLP environmental violation2014EPA(*)Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting. $80,650
ContiTech USA, Inc.Continental AGautomotive partsenvironmental violation2024EPA$80,639
Zeeland Chemicals Inc. (Zeeland MI) environmental violation2006EPA$80,625
Synthron, Inc. hazardous waste violation2001NC-ENV$80,600
Maverick International Ltd environmental violation2022EPA$80,600
FloraCraft Corporation environmental violation2015EPA$80,594
COULSON EX. - BROWNWOOD/GARDELS PITS air pollution violation2008CO-DPHE$80,567
DCW Casing LLC hazardous waste violation2021EPA$80,562
DCW Casing environmental violation2021EPA$80,562
DANISCO USA, INCInternational Flavors & Fragranceschemicalsenvironmental violation2004EPA$80,519
LAMBERTI USA, INCORPORATEDLambertichemicalsenvironmental violation2009TX-ENV$80,507
COLORFX, LLC environmental violation2014EPA$80,507
AUDUBON WATER CO environmental violation2006PA-ENV$80,500
Keolis Transit AmericaSNCF Grouprailroadsair pollution violation2012CA-ARB$80,500
Hunt Building Company, Ltd. environmental violation2008DE-ENV$80,500
MOST Health Services Inc. radioactive waste violation2008PA-ENV$80,500
MOST Health Services Inc. radioactive waste violation2007PA-ENV$80,500
Inland Products, Inc. environmental violation2015TX-RRC$80,500
Inland Products, Inc. environmental violation2014TX-RRC$80,500
Henkel Electronic Materials, LLCHenkelhousehold and personal care productsair pollution violation2018CA-SCAQMD$80,500
HOLCIM (US) INC.Holcim Groupbuilding materialsair pollution violation2023CO-DPHE$80,500
GLASGOW WATER COMPANY environmental violation2017EPA$80,500
SEMA CONSTRUCTION, INC. environmental violation2009EPA$80,500
EPI Breads Dallas RIE UC environmental violation2021EPA$80,496
LIGURIA FOODS, INC environmental violation2017EPA$80,470
Romatic Manufacturing Company environmental violation2006CT-ENV$80,463
UIC Construction, LLC environmental violation2015EPA$80,456
ExxonMobil Oil CorporationExxon Mobiloil and gasenvironmental violation2006TX-ENV$80,444
Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. LPAir Liquideindustrial servicesenvironmental violation2018TX-ENV$80,437
Stolthaven Houston, Inc. environmental violation2017TX-ENV$80,375
Interstate Cold Storage (Fort Wayne, IN) (SB) environmental violation2011EPA$80,371
LOWER MT BETHEL ENERGY LLC environmental violation2014PA-ENV$80,364
Regency Field Services LLC environmental violation2013NM-ENV$80,336
Hausbeck Brothers Inc. d/b/a D.H.T. Logistics environmental violation2016EPA$80,329
CENTRAL BUS COMPANY INC environmental violation2004EPA$80,317
Eastern Builders, Inc. & Constructora Minillas Inc environmental violation2007EPA$80,281
KM Liquids Terminals LLCKinder Morganpipelinesenvironmental violation2020TX-ENV$80,277
Riceland Foods, Inc.Riceland Foodsagribusinessair pollution violation2012AR-ENV$80,250
TAYLOR FARMS NJ water pollution violation2020NJ-ENV$80,250
Midwest Terminal Co. environmental violation2004OH-ENV$80,250
DelTech Monomer Po coSK Capital Partnersprivate equity (including portfolio companies)environmental violation2022EPA$80,250
Equistar Chemicals, LPLyondellBasell Industrieschemicalsenvironmental violation2007TX-ENV$80,191
Eden Wood Realty LLC environmental violation2020EPA$80,173
MALLINCKRODT, INCMallinckrodtpharmaceuticalsenvironmental violation2004EPA$80,160
Rousseau Farming Company environmental violation2007EPA$80,151
BP PIPELINES (NORTH AMERICA), INC.BPoil and gasenvironmental violation2007EPA$80,133
Top Operating Co. environmental violation2018CO-OIL$80,101
Hunt Oil CompanyHunt Consolidatedoil and gasair pollution violation2013ND-ENV$80,100
SABINE PASS LNG L.P. (CHENIERE)Cheniere Energyoil and gaspipeline safety violation2021PHMSA$80,100
Western Gulf Terminal Partners, LP environmental violation2014TX-ENV$80,100
VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. environmental violation2004EPA$80,100
Electronic Evolution Technologies environmental violation2008EPA$80,080
Sonny Solar, LLC environmental violation2023GA-ENV$80,069
DERECKTOR SHIPYARD environmental violation2009EPA$80,013
PAULSBORO REFINING CO LLCPBF Energyoil and gasair pollution violation2012NJ-ENV$80,012
Miller Compressing Company environmental violation2015EPA$80,010
Bois d'Arc Exploration LLC oil or gas drilling violation2015BSEE$80,000
Energy Resource Technology GOM, Inc.Talos Energyoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2014BSEE$80,000
East Cameron Partners, LP oil or gas drilling violation2012BSEE$80,000
Merit Energy CompanyMerit Energyoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2011BSEE$80,000
Merit Energy Company, LCMerit Energyoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2011BSEE$80,000
Apache CorporationAPA Corporationoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2011BSEE$80,000
Copar QuarriesArmetta LLCbuilding materialsair pollution violation2014EPA$80,000
Flint Hills ResourcesKoch Industriesdiversifiedhazardous waste violation2014EPA$80,000
Maxtrade, LLC air pollution violation2012EPA$80,000
Olson Wire Products Co. environmental violation2012EPA$80,000
Cosmoflex, Inc.Continental AGautomotive partsenvironmental violation2012EPA$80,000
Texas Oil & Gathering, Inc. environmental violation2010EPA$80,000
DPL Enterprises, Inc. pesticide violation2013EPA$80,000
Tap Root Dairy, LLC environmental violation2013EPA$80,000
Fieldwood EnergyRiverstone Holdingsprivate equity (including portfolio companies)oil or gas drilling violation2016BSEE$80,000
Anadarko PetroleumOccidental Petroleumoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2009BSEE$80,000
Pogo Producing Co.Freeport-McMoRanmining and mineralsoil or gas drilling violation2008BSEE$80,000
Forest Oil CorporationOsaka Gasoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2007BSEE$80,000
Energy Partners, Ltd oil or gas drilling violation2007BSEE$80,000
Forest Oil CorporationOsaka Gasoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2007BSEE$80,000
Devon Louisiana CorporationDevon Energyoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2003BSEE$80,000
Nuevo Energy CompanyFreeport-McMoRanmining and mineralsoil or gas drilling violation2003BSEE$80,000
BP Exploration & Production IncBPoil and gasoil or gas drilling violation2003BSEE$80,000
Alamo Refrigeration LP energy conservation violation2017DOE$80,000
Wolverine Brass energy conservation violation2016DOE$80,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.