TCN Behavioral Health, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,244 |
Staff Pro, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,244 |
Vincent Trucking LLC and its Alter Ego, Metro Trucking LLC, and New Wha Ming Trading of Minnesota, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2010 | NLRB | $20,243 |
Sound Mortgage | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WA-DLI | $20,243 |
Bodell Construction Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2003 | WHD | $20,242 |
N Transport LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $20,242 |
Stalco, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $20,241 |
Ruth's Steakhouse, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,240 |
M&G Fabricating & Construction, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $20,240 |
Leon R. Zimmerman Farm | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $20,240 |
Belgrade Development Partners | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $20,240 |
Springhill Nursing Home, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $20,240 |
CHS Contracting, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | NY-DOL | $20,240 |
Shawarma Co | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $20,238 |
Eagle Janitorial Services | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,237 |
Castle Hill Drugs Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $20,237 |
Butler Medical Transport, LLC | | | labor relations violation | 2022 | NLRB | $20,237 |
Advance Trading, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $20,236 |
Silver Oak Property Solutions, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $20,236 |
Andreas Lawncare | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $20,235 |
Peanuts Sandwich Shop | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | CA-LCO | $20,235 |
Raftopoulos Ranches | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,235 |
B&D Hotel Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $20,234 |
Pho Van Bistro Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $20,234 |
Minerco, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $20,234 |
Tracy Street Productions, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $20,232 |
KCP Fashion, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $20,231 |
Mathias Electric & Plumbing, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $20,231 |
2617 World Houseware & Hardware | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | NY-DOL | $20,230 |
Jai Mata Di | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $20,229 |
BancFirst Insurance Services, Inc. | BancFirst | financial services | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,229 |
VIP Plumbing, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,229 |
Ramirez Food Corp. | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $20,228 |
GOMEZ & SIMONE, a Professional Law Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | CA-LCO | $20,228 |
Dickeys BBQ California LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | CA-LCO | $20,228 |
Karkula Design Corp | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | NY-DOL | $20,228 |
Corporate Electric Company, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $20,227 |
Charles N. White Construction Co. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,227 |
Tin Ming Cheng | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | NY-DOL | $20,227 |
Enterprises of Liang, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $20,226 |
Thacker & Dawson, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $20,226 |
Anjon of Northport, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $20,225 |
McLain Plumbing & Electrical | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $20,225 |
Hannong Farm, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2001 | WHD | $20,225 |
World Trading Center, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $20,224 |
Aerohead Group, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $20,224 |
Run Zombie Run, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $20,224 |
AS Cheema Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $20,222 |
Franks Gourmet Pizza | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | NY-DOL | $20,222 |
Shri Ganesh Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $20,221 |
Nicole's Work, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $20,220 |
All Good Northwest | | | labor relations violation | 2023 | NLRB | $20,220 |
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation | | | labor relations violation | 2000 | NLRB | $20,219 |
Lorraine McIntyre | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $20,218 |
Plaza Enterprises Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $20,218 |
La Duni North America, LP | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $20,218 |
A Plus Label, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | CA-LCO | $20,218 |
Statz Painting & Decorating, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,217 |
Yankon Industries Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2024 | CA-LCO | $20,217 |
BOMARK CLEANING SERVICE CORPORATION | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | IL-DOL | $20,216 |
Toolroom Calibration | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $20,214 |
Loyaltyworks, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $20,214 |
Customer Exterior Improvements (CEI) | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,213 |
Marlene Boyer Estate | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $20,213 |
Randstad Sourceright | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | MI-LEO | $20,213 |
Sunrise Senior Living, Inc. | Revera | healthcare services | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $20,211 |
United Green House Systems, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2004 | NLRB | $20,211 |
Double M Ventures, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $20,210 |
Summit Pointe, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $20,209 |
Gemstone Construction, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $20,209 |
Midstate Drywall Contractors Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | PA-DLI | $20,208 |
Stage Road Poultry Catchers LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,208 |
United Cellular, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,207 |
Ashland Investments, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $20,207 |
Bare Feet Enterprise, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $20,207 |
Electromedia, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,206 |
Rets College, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $20,206 |
John Hopkins | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | PA-DLI | $20,205 |
BML Construction Services, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $20,203 |
Buck's Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,203 |
Borden Processing, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $20,202 |
Ted Hosmer Enterprises, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,201 |
Dulcich Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $20,201 |, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $20,201 |
Best Freedom Security, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | CA-LCO | $20,201 |
Pepsi Bottling Holdings Inc. | PepsiCo | food products | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,200 |
Kirk Jacobs | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,200 |
APWU, Branch 42 | | | labor relations violation | 2009 | NLRB | $20,200 |
Doc's Marina Grill, Port Townsend | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | WA-DLI | $20,200 |
Lincoln Creek Lumber Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | WA-DLI | $20,200 |
Sakura Steak House, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $20,199 |
Scott's Restaurants, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $20,199 |
MCEM Services, LLC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $20,198 |
Monmouth-Middlesex Hematology Oncology, P.C. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $20,198 |
Amerinox Processing, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2020 | NLRB | $20,198 |
F & G Supermarket Corp DBA C Town | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | NY-DOL | $20,197 |
Towers Food Management Corp. | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $20,196 |
VMF III, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $20,196 |
Talent IT Services Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $20,196 |
Sophia Green McKenzie | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $20,196 |
Alray Tire Center of Conover Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $20,195 |