Nacario Home LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,388 |
Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc. | Alliant Energy | utilities and power generation | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $21,387 |
Airetech Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,386 |
Visconti Ground Transport LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,385 |
Continental Structural Plastics Holdings Corp | Teijin | chemicals | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $21,385 |
Lynt Buffet, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,384 |
1475 ST. NICHOLAS AVE. MARKET INC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,384 |
Wasabi Japanese Restaurant Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,383 |
MGP Park Lakes, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $21,383 |
Cafaro's Go Straight | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | CA-LCO | $21,383 |
Pretzolicious LLC (dba: Wetzel's Pretzel) | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $21,383 |
Valgard Capital Partners, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $21,383 |
King Maintenance Service, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,382 |
Corbin's Trucking, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,382 |
Gulick Trucking, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $21,382 |
Jack's Home Restoration, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | IL-DOL | $21,382 |
Glencalco, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $21,381 |
Labor Ready Inc. | TrueBlue Inc. | miscellaneous services | wage and hour violation | 2000 | PA-DLI | $21,381 |
MK Financial Group, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,380 |
Miroslaw Snarski Decorating, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,380 |
Jeffco Landscaping Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $21,379 |
P & B Transportation CO. | | | wage and hour violation | 2002 | WHD | $21,379 |
Doctations, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,378 |
Rainbow Chinese Restaurant Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $21,378 |
LOL Comedy Club | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | NY-DOL | $21,378 |
McCoy'sPublic House LC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $21,377 |
West Shore Technologies, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $21,377 |
Saigon Taste Restaurant, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,376 |
Greene's Energy Group LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,376 |
Interstate Mechanical, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $21,376 |
Blue Ribbon Landscaping, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $21,375 |
VFS Fullfilment Services, VFS Getways, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $21,375 |
Pel-State Bulk Plant, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $21,374 |
Patches of Star Dairy, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $21,373 |
Younes Hospitality | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $21,372 |
Gremi & Sons, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,371 |
AndreolaTerrazzo & Restoration, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $21,370 |
Alta Devices, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $21,369 |
Cascade Terrace, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,368 |
New Loudon Lodging LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $21,368 |
Tanimmura And Anttle Onions LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,367 |
Cooper B Line, Inc | Eaton | industrial equipment | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,367 |
Abacus Technology Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $21,367 |
Express Concrete Service, LLP | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $21,367 |
George C. Visman | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $21,367 |
Caralens, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $21,367 |
Glacier Fresh Cherries Packinghouse, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,366 |
Salazar Services, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $21,366 |
Riptide Landscaping, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $21,365 |
Dukes Property Development LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,364 |
TPPP Group, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $21,363 |
Acute Home Health Care of MN | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $21,363 |
Air Safe, LLC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,363 |
MAX'S CHICKEN & SEAFOOD INC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $21,363 |
Taipei Fubon Commercial Banking Co., LTD | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,360 |
Lilax Technologies, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,360 |
Bryers of MB Inc. and Rowland Dairies Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | WHD | $21,360 |
North Coast Provisions | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | MI-LEO | $21,359 |
ALB Industries Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $21,358 |
L. Delea & Sons Sod Farms, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $21,358 |
ACCIDENT PROS LLC dba Accident Pros | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $21,358 |
Corte Cafe TPEC Farrington LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | NY-DOL | $21,358 |
Prairie Field Services, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,357 |
Oasis Restaurant | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | NY-DOL | $21,357 |
Bonita Enterprises, LLC dba Aaron Electric | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $21,356 |
Suncoast Total Healthcare, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $21,355 |
KND, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $21,353 |
Premier Security and Patrol LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | CA-LCO | $21,353 |
Toadflax Nursery LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,352 |
The Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Tucson, a division of Coca Cola Enterprises, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $21,352 |
El Nuevo Taconazo 2, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $21,351 |
El Texate Restaurant, LLC dba El Texate | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | CA-LCO | $21,350 |
Concrete Holdings & Services, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,349 |
Papa Poblano's of Arkansas Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,349 |
Beautiful Brows, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,349 |
Heath Consultants Incorporated | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $21,349 |
White Communications, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,348 |
Meyer Excavating | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | PA-DLI | $21,348 |
O'Brien Auto Repair Beaverdale Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,347 |
EHS Restoration, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $21,347 |
Cederquist Medical Wellness Center, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $21,346 |
Kiss My Lipstick Beauty Studio | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | NY-DOL | $21,346 |
Southern Cable Services, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,345 |
Amity Home Health Care, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,344 |
Lefkada, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $21,344 |
The Resource Center | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $21,343 |
Hibrid Home, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $21,342 |
Wireless Time, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $21,341 |
Philoclean, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,341 |
Fiesta Grande, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $21,340 |
Ahi Ezer Yeshiva | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $21,340 |
Pee Wees School House | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $21,339 |
PRESNELL ASSOCIATES INC | | | wage and hour violation | 2002 | KY-DWS | $21,339 |
Bessolo Design Group, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,338 |
Triton Logistics LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $21,338 |
Stergis Aluminum Products, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $21,337 |
Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $21,337 |
Midwst Pro Painting | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $21,337 |
Sonshine Lawn and Landscaping, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $21,337 |
R B Associates, Inc. d/b/a State Plaza Hotel | | | labor relations violation | 2007 | NLRB | $21,336 |
COOPER POWER TOOLS, INC. | Bain Capital | private equity (including portfolio companies) | labor relations violation | 2006 | NLRB | $21,335 |