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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: employment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$37,897,980,877
Number of Penalty Records: 152,792
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Wells Fargo$922,403,20466
Bank of America$887,742,03766
Uber Technologies$630,306,02222
JPMorgan Chase$522,448,56250
Daimler Truck AG$480,728,91114
Bank of New York Mellon$423,313,0375
IBM Corp.$396,913,12513

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Rock-A-Belly Bar & Deli, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$22,270
Diamond Dynamics wage and hour violation2023NY-DOL$22,268
CC & YY Corporation wage and hour violation2010WHD$22,267
Perennial Lawn Care Inc wage and hour violation2006WHD$22,267
Studio Nazar Inc. wage and hour violation2015WHD$22,266
Farid E. Koka, Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$22,266
Trs Polymers Inc wage and hour violation2010MI-LEO$22,266
Premier Tire, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$22,265
Fox Enterprises of Louisiana, LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,264
Care Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, I wage and hour violation2005WHD$22,264
RTL Transportation LLC wage and hour violation2022CA-LCO$22,264
Worldwide Transport LLC wage and hour violation2022CA-LCO$22,264
First Consumer Credit, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$22,263
Foster Poultry Farms, Inc.Atlas Holdingsprivate equity (including portfolio companies)wage and hour violation2004WHD$22,262
Barbi Nails wage and hour violation2018NY-DOL$22,262
James Wilson d/b/a Clean Cut Landscaping Plus wage and hour violation2016MA-AG$22,261
Pacific Coast Bindery, Inc. wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$22,261
Alliance for Aginc, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$22,260
Advantage LogisticsUnited Natural Foodswholesalerslabor relations violation2007NLRB$22,260
Tee Pee Corporation wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,257
Hemscott, Inc.Morningstar Inc.miscellaneous serviceswage and hour violation2005WHD$22,257
Assurant Care, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$22,257
Phoenix Counseling Center wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,255
Rainbow Reproductions, Inc. d/b/a Central Apex Reproductions labor relations violation2001NLRB$22,255
Hawkins Construction Company wage and hour violation2013WHD$22,254
Flip It Investments LLC wage and hour violation2020CA-LCO$22,251
Paxica Group LLC wage and hour violation2020CA-LCO$22,251
Fu Ji, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$22,250
Local 1, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) labor relations violation2011NLRB$22,250
Hale Contracting, Inc. labor relations violation2010NLRB$22,250
Tomarco Contractor Specialties wage and hour violation2016CA-LCO$22,250
Panchito's Taqueria wage and hour violation2009CA-LCO$22,250
Pink Zone wage and hour violation2009CA-LCO$22,250
Modo Industries wage and hour violation2007CA-LCO$22,250
Downey Hand Carwash wage and hour violation2006CA-LCO$22,250
Chinese Gourmet Express wage and hour violation2002CA-LCO$22,250
Serfass wage and hour violation2020PA-DLI$22,250
Best Aim, Inc. dba Q & Q Hawaiian BBQ wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$22,250
Talkspace Provider Network, PA wage and hour violation2024MA-AG$22,250
Duncan & Thompson Construction Services, LLC wage and hour violation2006WHD$22,249
Quality Construction Management, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$22,249
SFM, LLC d/b/a Sprouts Farmers Market labor relations violation2018NLRB$22,249
Seven Mode, Inc. wage and hour violation2017CA-LCO$22,249
Wild Lemon wage and hour violation2018NY-DOL$22,249
HCH Enterprises LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$22,248
JLB Protective Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2003WHD$22,248
Sundog Structures, LLC wage and hour violation2019WHD$22,248
MacPherson's Fruit & Produce wage and hour violation2009WHD$22,247
WHITESTONE INC wage and hour violation2013KY-DWS$22,247
ACLC, Inc wage and hour violation2010WHD$22,246
Vasquez & Garza Forwarders, L.L.C. wage and hour violation2008WHD$22,246
Naka Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2024MA-AG$22,246
Chit Chat Holdsing LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$22,245
Mosaic, Inc. wage and hour violation2016WHD$22,244
Torito Westborough LLC wage and hour violation2023MA-AG$22,244
AMC Industries Aquisition LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$22,241
US Ambulette Inc. wage and hour violation2019WHD$22,241
First Med, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,240
Evergreen Environmental Services wage and hour violation2011WHD$22,240
CM Builders, Inc. wage and hour violation2016WHD$22,240
Tropical Restaurant wage and hour violation2017NY-DOL$22,240
My Bakery and Cafe, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$22,239
Farol's Residential Care Home-44th Ave wage and hour violation2013WHD$22,239
Premier Home Health Care of Massachusetts, Inc. labor relations violation2006NLRB$22,238
The North Range, Inc wage and hour violation2018WHD$22,238
Andrus Mail Service wage and hour violation2006WHD$22,237
Quality Concrete Pumping, Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$22,236
Aquatic Management of Houston Inc. wage and hour violation2019WHD$22,236
Autobuses de Puerto Rico, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$22,235
Gregg Chambers & Sons, LLC wage and hour violation2013WHD$22,234
Allright Construction, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,234
Park Avenue Investment Advisor, LLC, and Hotel Management Advisors - Troy, LLC d/b/a Metropolitan Gr labor relations violation2020NLRB$22,233
Infrastructure Development Specialist, Inc wage and hour violation2023NY-DOL$22,233
Diamond D Enterprise Asbestos Workers wage and hour violation2004PA-DLI$22,232
C & H Collins-Hartwell Programs, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$22,231
Consolidated Theaters, Inc. wage and hour violation2003WHD$22,230
Blac Frac, Tank, Inc wage and hour violation2005WHD$22,230
Drexel Foods, Inc. labor relations violation2005NLRB$22,230
Hampton Mechanical Inc wage and hour violation2009PA-DLI$22,230
Btm Industrial wage and hour violation2022MI-LEO$22,230
Italian Eatery wage and hour violation2022MN-DCR$22,228
Balance Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$22,227
MCMILLIN REALTY wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$22,227
NV MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$22,227
A's Sample Shop, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$22,226
Ohm Guru Krupa, LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$22,225
Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc wage and hour violation2008WHD$22,225
Atkinson Homes, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$22,225
True North Hotel Group Inc. workplace whistleblower retaliation2013OSHA$22,225
Copeland Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,224
Morbia LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$22,224
IT Rationale, Inc wage and hour violation2016WHD$22,224
Mi Panaderia DTLLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$22,223
Electrical Contractors Inc wage and hour violation2015MA-AG$22,222
ARC San Joaquin wage and hour violation2013WHD$22,221
Spotless On Rockaway Corp. wage and hour violation2011WHD$22,221
Granite SFX LLC wage and hour violation2015WHD$22,220
United Propane Gas, Inc. wage and hour violation2003WHD$22,220
CAREFOCUS CORPORATION wage and hour violation2007WHD$22,219
Johnson Services Inc wage and hour violation2000PA-DLI$22,219
Envision Mechanical, Inc. labor relations violation2020NLRB$22,219
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.