Globex Corporation | | | labor relations violation | 2011 | NLRB | $22,759 |
Ace Care Adult Family Home | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WA-DLI | $22,759 |
Cundari Trucking Company, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $22,757 |
Laser Aesthetic Institute, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $22,757 |
Ryder Integrated Logistics | Ryder System | freight and logistics | labor relations violation | 2007 | NLRB | $22,756 |
Arancino LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $22,754 |
Triton Management Group Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $22,753 |
MLW Restaurants, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $22,753 |
Hogar Institucion Amor y Esperanza II, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $22,751 |
Silver Fox Express, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | CA-LCO | $22,751 |
Kehe Distributors, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $22,750 |
West Gate Vacation Villas | | | labor relations violation | 2002 | NLRB | $22,750 |
A&E House Cleaning | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | CA-LCO | $22,750 |
VALENTINA'S EXPRESS | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | CA-LCO | $22,750 |
Pepito A. Casimiro | | | wage and hour violation | 2002 | CA-LCO | $22,750 |
NEURENSIC INC | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | IL-DOL | $22,750 |
Complete Spill Solutions | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | NY-AG | $22,750 |
Martha's Group Home, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $22,747 |
L & W Fashion, Inc. dba L & W Fashion | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $22,745 |
Red Berry Ranch, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $22,744 |
GWD Design, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $22,744 |
Haza Bell of Nebraska LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WHD | $22,744 |
Carmados, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $22,741 |
Shue Roofing, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2000 | NLRB | $22,741 |
Record Steel and Construction, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $22,740 |
Turner Industries Group LLC | Turner Industries | construction and engineering | labor relations violation | 2012 | NLRB | $22,740 |
S & H Hardware & Supply Co | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | WHD | $22,740 |
Sagittarius Draperies | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $22,740 |
Angus Ranch & Co., Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $22,739 |
Global Technologies I, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,739 |
Pro-Mix, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,739 |
Gomez Rubi, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,738 |
RC Hemm's Glass Shops, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,738 |
Garreco Incorporated | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $22,738 |
Cummins, Inc. | Cummins | miscellaneous manufacturing | labor relations violation | 2004 | NLRB | $22,738 |
Envy Nails | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | NY-DOL | $22,738 |
Carpet One of Fayetteville, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $22,737 |
Housing Yes, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $22,736 |
Royal Living at Sunrise, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $22,734 |
Burger King Corporation | Restaurant Brands International | restaurants and foodservice | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $22,734 |
KUHL INSURANCE | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | IL-DOL | $22,734 |
Mountain Made Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $22,733 |
CACI Dynamic Systems, Inc. | CACI International | miscellaneous services | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $22,731 |
Asplundh Tree Expert Co. | Asplundh Tree Expert | miscellaneous services | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,731 |
Maui Community Correctional Center | | | Family and Medical Leave Act | 2014 | WHD | $22,730 |
Indian Pond County Club, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $22,730 |
A Notch Above, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $22,730 |
Ramada by Wyndham | Wyndham Hotels & Resorts | hotels | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $22,730 |
A&B Lodging Two, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $22,729 |
LP Homestead, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $22,728 |
Alley Enterprises LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WHD | $22,728 |
Ontario & Case LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,727 |
Orbital Insulation Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $22,727 |
Ramos-Ortiz, L.L.C. | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $22,727 |
Gurum Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $22,725 |
Striver's Row Petersburg, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $22,725 |
Adelbridge Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | WHD | $22,724 |
SPREE Enterprise, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | IL-DOL | $22,724 |
Keum Sil Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $22,723 |
Kae Lee, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $22,723 |
Middle Tennessee Medical Transport, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $22,722 |
Empanada Kitchen, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $22,722 |
Horton Drywall | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $22,721 |
Mr. Mover. LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $22,721 |
Montecito Landscape Construction | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $22,720 |
Mediterranean Towers West | | | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $22,720 |
Wichita Sports Forum, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $22,720 |
Jeff Ramsey Construction, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $22,720 |
THE IM. GROUP, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | CA-LCO | $22,720 |
Southern Hospitality LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | WHD | $22,717 |
Bowers Plumbing Company, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,717 |
JACMAR FOODSERVICE DISTRIBUTION | | | labor relations violation | 2017 | NLRB | $22,717 |
Fidelis Security Services LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $22,715 |
AE Associates, LTD | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $22,713 |
Early Bird Lawn Service | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | MI-LEO | $22,713 |
Bi-Co Janitorial Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $22,712 |
Hotelmacher, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,712 |
Newark Ambulance | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | NY-DOL | $22,712 |
Just an Oven Corp | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,711 |
Anderson Restaurants Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,711 |
Wolverine Construction Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $22,711 |
Bamco Equipment Company, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $22,711 |
4408-1150 International Restaurant Corp/International Restaurant | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | NY-DOL | $22,711 |
Bamboo Village Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $22,710 |
Krispy Kreme of South Florida | Krispy Kreme Inc. | retailing | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $22,710 |
Pine Hollow Mechanical, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $22,710 |
Family House Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $22,710 |
Bleau-Bush Company, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2024 | CA-LCO | $22,710 |
Eckert (of Indiana) Fire Protection, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2001 | NLRB | $22,709 |
Burton Industries Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | MI-LEO | $22,708 |
Burton Industries Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | MI-LEO | $22,708 |
Burton Industries Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | MI-LEO | $22,708 |
Burton Industries Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | MI-LEO | $22,708 |
Burton Industries Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | MI-LEO | $22,708 |
Ajua's Mexican Restaurant, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $22,706 |
Bell/Heery, A Joint Venture | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $22,706 |
Watson's Plumbing | | | wage and hour violation | 2021 | NY-DOL | $22,705 |
J R Appliance | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | NY-DOL | $22,705 |
Tobacco Way Farms, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $22,704 |
Angel Stucco Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $22,704 |
MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL | Sinai Health System (IL) | healthcare services | wage and hour violation | 2014 | IL-DOL | $22,704 |