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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: employment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$37,897,980,877
Number of Penalty Records: 152,792
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Wells Fargo$922,403,20466
Bank of America$887,742,03766
Uber Technologies$630,306,02222
JPMorgan Chase$522,448,56250
Daimler Truck AG$480,728,91114
Bank of New York Mellon$423,313,0375
IBM Corp.$396,913,12513

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Friesian, Inc wage and hour violation2008WHD$23,323
Mission Car Wash wage and hour violation2014CA-LCO$23,323
Rockaway Car Care Inc. wage and hour violation2019WHD$23,320
Edgebrook Dermatology, PC labor relations violation2019NLRB$23,320
Pepsico, Inc. d/b/a Pepsi Beverages CompanyPepsiCofood productslabor relations violation2019NLRB$23,320
General Dynamics Information Technology IncMaximusmiscellaneous serviceswage and hour violation2014WHD$23,319
Corinth, Inc wage and hour violation2013WHD$23,319
Blue Ridge Services LLC wage and hour violation2010WHD$23,314
Walt Disney World Co.Walt Disneyentertainmentlabor relations violation2015NLRB$23,314
JAM FOODS INC wage and hour violation2015WHD$23,313
Pizza Corner, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$23,311
Ruthimon Blossom, Inc. wage and hour violation2016CA-LCO$23,311
Community Rehabilitation Center Transportatio wage and hour violation2011WHD$23,310
Kawa Sushi 8 Ave. Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$23,310
Wozeiak Industries labor relations violation2010NLRB$23,310
Global Management Systems, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,308
United Schools Association Inc. dba Residential Student Programing LLC wage and hour violation2021MA-AG$23,308
Tanisha Systems, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,307
Beauty with Herbs Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,306
The Cogar Group, LTD wage and hour violation2023WHD$23,306
The Laundry Room wage and hour violation2022NY-DOL$23,306
Prospect Financial Group Inc. wage and hour violation2024CA-LCO$23,306
Jefferson Rehabilitation Center, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$23,305
Milkyway Jeans, Inc. wage and hour violation2017CA-LCO$23,305
Bennett's HVAC & Electrical, wage and hour violation2011WHD$23,304
LightPath Technologies, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$23,304
Greenview Living, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$23,303
Impact Glass Services LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$23,301
Dixie Electric, LLC wage and hour violation2018WHD$23,301
HMS Construction, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$23,300
Regal Recycling Co., Inc. labor relations violation2002NLRB$23,300
Energy Reducers labor relations violation2000NLRB$23,300
The Villages Golf and Country Club wage and hour violation2012CA-LCO$23,300
Adorable Pillows employment discrimination2019NY-NYCCHR$23,300
Double DD Meats Inc wage and hour violation2023WA-DLI$23,300
Double DD Meats Inc wage and hour violation2023WA-DLI$23,300
Double DD Meats Inc wage and hour violation2023WA-DLI$23,300
Judy Painting Corp. wage and hour violation2018NY-DOL$23,300
Capstone LogisticsH.I.G. Capitalprivate equity (including portfolio companies)labor relations violation2021NLRB$23,299
Mitina, Inc. wage and hour violation2015WHD$23,298
J & J Construction wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,298
WEBCO wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,298
SHAMROCK CARTAGE, INC. labor relations violation2019NLRB$23,298
RS Supermarket Corp. wage and hour violation2013WHD$23,297
Roxys Pub, LLC wage and hour violation2013WHD$23,295
OFO Express Inc. wage and hour violation2012CA-LCO$23,294
Maharlika's Home wage and hour violation2015CA-LCO$23,293
Rigid Oilfield Services, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$23,290
Ultracor, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$23,289
Riccelli Enterprises, Inc wage and hour violation2013WHD$23,288
Bill's Pipes Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,288
Miller Electric wage and hour violation2003PA-DLI$23,288
Baltazar Garcia Harvesting & Grove Care, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$23,288
Nature Care Company wage and hour violation2004WHD$23,286
ELIZABETH CHARLES CORPORATION wage and hour violation2017MN-DLI$23,286
ELIZABETH CHARLES CORPORATION wage and hour violation2017MN-DLI$23,286
ELIZABETH CHARLES CORPORATION wage and hour violation2017MN-DLI$23,286
Airtime Amusements, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,285
Dhanlaxmi Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$23,285
Marlboro Medical Center LLC wage and hour violation2010WHD$23,284
Black Bear Mining, Inc. labor relations violation2000NLRB$23,284
The Injury Medical Clinic wage and hour violation2008WHD$23,283
DE BORIKEN MUSIC GROUP wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$23,283
Integrity, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$23,282
Buildgreen, Inc. wage and hour violation2021CA-LCO$23,282
Avanti Health Systems, Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,281
County Beverage Company, Inc. wage and hour violation2015WHD$23,280
P & N Cabinet Corp, wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,280
Barbour Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$23,278
Twin Pines Landscaping wage and hour violation2018WHD$23,277
9 W Halo Opco LP wage and hour violation2018WHD$23,277
Infinite Sum Inc wage and hour violation2021MI-LEO$23,277
Devkupa, Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,275
Phil's 41 Restaurant, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$23,275
K & P Executive Hand Car Wash wage and hour violation2009CA-LCO$23,275
Institucion Elohim, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$23,273
Flamingo, Inc wage and hour violation2016WHD$23,273
Acre Beyond The Rye LLC wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$23,273
International Plant Services, LLC wage and hour violation2010WHD$23,272
Emmett Family Services wage and hour violation2011WHD$23,271
Miracali Bakery Inc. wage and hour violation2008WHD$23,271
Onwell Manufacturing (Saipan) Ltd. wage and hour violation2002WHD$23,269
Logistics Support, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$23,268
Los Cunados Deli & Grocery wage and hour violation2022NY-DOL$23,268
Palm Beach Cardiology Center Inc wage and hour violation2011WHD$23,267
CSCP Operators LLC wage and hour violation2013WHD$23,266
M & T Plumbing, Inc. wage and hour violation2008WHD$23,266
MATTHEW PEELISH wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,266
Mission Dental wage and hour violation2017CA-LCO$23,266
Chartland Corporation wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,265
Schrock Cabinet Company labor relations violation2000NLRB$23,265
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. dba San Francisco Medical CenterKaiser Permanentehealthcare serviceswage and hour violation2023CA-LCO$23,263
Unicor, LLC wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,262
Richland Community Health Care Assoc., Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$23,261
Hsien Hsien Liu wage and hour violation2011WHD$23,261
Beacon Industrial Staffing, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$23,261
Smuggler's Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$23,261
Freeman Bus Corporation wage and hour violation2005WHD$23,260
Thrifty Car RentalHertzmiscellaneous serviceswage and hour violation2017WA-DLI$23,260
Arcalhoun Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$23,258
Carribean Spice, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$23,258
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.