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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: employment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$37,897,980,877
Number of Penalty Records: 152,792
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Wells Fargo$922,403,20466
Bank of America$887,742,03766
Uber Technologies$630,306,02222
JPMorgan Chase$522,448,56250
Daimler Truck AG$480,728,91114
Bank of New York Mellon$423,313,0375
IBM Corp.$396,913,12513

Individual Penalty Records:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the current parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
LCJ Associates, LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,659
Bronx Auto Repair wage and hour violation2020NY-DOL$29,659
Allwaste Services, Inc wage and hour violation2005WHD$29,658
Deep Rock Ventures, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$29,657
Luxury Auto Rentals and Sales, LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,656
Opportunity Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,653
Circle S Irrigation, Inc wage and hour violation2015WHD$29,651
Park Rite, Inc. wage and hour violation2008WHD$29,650
John J. Griffin, Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$29,650
Tri-State Industries (TSI) wage and hour violation2016WHD$29,650
Good Road Fashion, Inc. wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$29,649
North Snohomish Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$29,647
MHD Home Furniture & Decor wage and hour violation2015CA-LCO$29,645
Barclay Developers, Inc wage and hour violation2006WHD$29,643
Portland Habilitation Center, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,642
Anne's Steak Lunch Plate LLC wage and hour violation2009WHD$29,642
Vinnell Corporation wage and hour violation2004WHD$29,642
Tamarac Hotels, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$29,641
Puerto Vallarta, Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$29,641
Murff's Home Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$29,640
John Esposito Porsche Restorations wage and hour violation2023CA-LCO$29,640
Pbits Inc. wage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$29,640
Pbits Inc. wage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$29,640
Pbits Inc. wage and hour violation2022IL-DOL$29,640
Troy's Landscape Supply Company, inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,639
Aroostook LLC wage and hour violation2019NY-DOL$29,639
Farook, Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,638
Home Sweet Home Christian Care Homes LLC wage and hour violation2004WHD$29,637
Xcel Manufacturing, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,637
Central Payment Co., LLCGlobal Payments serviceswage and hour violation2014WHD$29,634
Empire Pizza and Bar, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$29,634
A Helping Hand Too, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,634
Baltazar Garcia Harvesting & Grove Care, Inc. wage and hour violation2019WHD$29,633
Mount View Assisted Living Inc wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,631
Hartman & Easter, P.A. wage and hour violation2008WHD$29,630
Carmatres LLC wage and hour violation2006WHD$29,629
Entellect Corporation wage and hour violation2015WHD$29,627
Dragon Star Oriental Foods, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,626
Deatley Crushing Company, Inc wage and hour violation2009WHD$29,626
MDH Construction wage and hour violation2009PA-DLI$29,626
Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$29,625
Factiva labor relations violation2003NLRB$29,625
Blanding Subway Inc. et al. wage and hour violation2023WHD$29,625
La Nueva Victoria, Inc. T/A La Nueva Victoria Restaurant & Shu Rong He wage and hour violation2023NY-DOL$29,622
Peking Restaurant of Thomas Road, Inc wage and hour violation2015WHD$29,620
Amin Hotels, Inc. wage and hour violation2016WHD$29,619
A-E Door Sales and Service, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$29,618
King's Custom Tailoring wage and hour violation2005WHD$29,618
ODA LLC wage and hour violation2010WHD$29,617
Uniguard Security Agency, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$29,617
United General Contractors, Inc wage and hour violation2015WHD$29,616
C i Logistics LLC wage and hour violation2015WHD$29,616
Pfaff Ranch Services, LLC wage and hour violation2013WHD$29,616
Custom Industries, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,616
Green Village Garden Center, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$29,615
Burgerim Group USA, Inc. wage and hour violation2021CA-LCO$29,615
Virginia Right of Way Management Group, Inc. wage and hour violation2003WHD$29,614
BSP RESTAURANTS INC wage and hour violation2013KY-DWS$29,613
Wayne Baldwin wage and hour violation2011WHD$29,612
Med-Cure Primary Care Physicins, PA. Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$29,611
Hibachi Buffet & Sushi Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$29,611
Xiao Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$29,610
118 First Avenue Food & Vegetable Corporation wage and hour violation2000NY-AG$29,608
El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant, LLC wage and hour violation2015WHD$29,608
Reliable Delivery wage and hour violation2011MI-LEO$29,607
Love & Joy Personal Care Home, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$29,605
BST, Inc. wage and hour violation2008WHD$29,603
American Plumbing Contractors INC wage and hour violation2017WHD$29,602
Agri Center Auto Parts, Inc. wage and hour violation2017CA-LCO$29,602
Mulberry Assisted Living wage and hour violation2016CA-LCO$29,601
Mulberry Place Assisted Living wage and hour violation2016CA-LCO$29,601
U.S. Security Associates, Inc.Allied Universal Security Servicesbusiness serviceswage and hour violation2015WHD$29,600
BANNER COAL & LAND CO. labor relations violation2004NLRB$29,600
Global Disruptive Technologies wage and hour violation2021ME-DOL$29,600
Metric Layouts wage and hour violation2019NY-DOL$29,600
United Youth and Family Services wage and hour violation2010WHD$29,598
Cintas Corp.Cintasbusiness serviceslabor relations violation2008NLRB$29,596
K2NYC Services Corp wage and hour violation2021NY-DOL$29,595
AFSCME Florida Council 79, AFL-CIO (Shands Jacksonville Medical Center) labor relations violation2014NLRB$29,593
Going Green Landscaping & Lawn Care Ltd wage and hour violation2010WHD$29,592
Family Manufactured Homes wage and hour violation2021IL-DOL$29,592
Purolator Filters NA LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,591
Dosch King Emulsions wage and hour violation2004PA-DLI$29,591
El Campo Development Corp wage and hour violation2014WHD$29,588
GHR, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$29,588
T & T Enterprises of Ohio wage and hour violation2011WHD$29,587
Elite Global Communication, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$29,586
K'oyitl'ots'ina Limited wage and hour violation2010WHD$29,584
Rocky Mountain Fondue Company wage and hour violation2007WHD$29,583
Los Valles Produce, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$29,582
AKON INCORPORATED wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,580
Beltway Cleaning Services labor relations violation2011NLRB$29,580
Tank Logix, LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$29,578
Never Say Goodbye Massage wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$29,575
Expand Construction Co. wage and hour violation2024CA-LCO$29,575
Villa Del Mar Restaurants, Inc wage and hour violation2012WHD$29,574
Hong Kong Star, Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$29,574
Green Valley Residential Care Home wage and hour violation2013WHD$29,572
Jose O. Colon Cruz dba wage and hour violation2009WHD$29,572
Executive Career Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2016CA-LCO$29,572
Maritime Oil Recovery, Inc wage and hour violation2007WHD$29,571
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.