Alton Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $31,551 |
Around the Clock Maintenance, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,550 |
Side Bar and Associates, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $31,548 |
Pioneer Home Equity Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $31,547 |
Flexpoint Funding Corporation, | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | CA-LCO | $31,547 |
Jacks Wholesale Windows & Design | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | MI-LEO | $31,546 |
Ajacks Restaurants, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $31,545 |
East New York Urban Youth Corp. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,543 |
L-Com Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $31,541 |
Restaurant Consultants, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $31,541 |
Tornado Bus Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $31,540 |
Social Resources, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2009 | WHD | $31,540 |
Houston Window Fashions, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $31,540 |
Stoneybrook Healthcare and Rehab, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $31,539 |
Abbott House | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $31,537 |
Advance Placement Behavior Health & Human Ser | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $31,536 |
Visionsoft Solutions, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $31,533 |
E & A Restaurant Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $31,533 |
Rio Stone Products, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,530 |
Sterling Medical Associates, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $31,527 |
Volume Services Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $31,527 |
M Kogan Consulting Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,527 |
Garden Dept. Corp. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,527 |
CRI Electrical & Lighting, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | CA-LCO | $31,527 |
Norge Building Supply, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $31,526 |
Krish Information Technologies, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2001 | WHD | $31,525 |
Cesar Quinones Figueroa d/b/a P & P | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $31,524 |
PTAC Operating Centers, Inc. | Icahn Enterprises | diversified | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $31,523 |
Pizza Plus of Tremonton, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $31,523 |
Industrial Plastic Recycling, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,522 |
Power Plus Electric, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $31,521 |
Meijer Stores LImited Partnership d/b/a Meijer, Inc. | Meijer | retailing | labor relations violation | 2005 | NLRB | $31,521 |
Batten Services (US) Inc. a Washington Corporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2020 | CA-LCO | $31,521 |
Heavenly Care Services, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | WHD | $31,520 |
Prime Healthcare Services - Lower Bucks, LLC | Prime Healthcare Services Inc. | healthcare services | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,520 |
Xiong Wong Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,519 |
Quality Assured Cleaning, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $31,519 |
Dolric Inc. dba B44 Restaurant-Catalan Bis | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $31,518 |
ERSAN, INC | | | wage and hour violation | 2019 | CA-LCO | $31,517 |
Sgi Heating & Cooling | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | MI-LEO | $31,517 |
Mario Masonry, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2006 | WHD | $31,514 |
Grote Automotive, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,514 |
CENTURY ALUMINUM | Century Aluminum | metals | labor relations violation | 2004 | NLRB | $31,513 |
Jeff's Westside Plumbing, LLC. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $31,511 |
P. Lamb, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2007 | WHD | $31,510 |
Air Source America Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | WHD | $31,509 |
Starside Security and investigation inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,506 |
Buffalo Felt Products Corp | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | WHD | $31,505 |
After Hours Medical Co. | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $31,503 |
JKO Apparel, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2008 | WHD | $31,500 |
Pegasus Consulting Group, Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $31,500 |
Home Equity Store, The | | | wage and hour violation | 2003 | WHD | $31,500 |
Baker's Union Local No. 19 | | | labor relations violation | 2003 | NLRB | $31,500 |
National Broadcasting Corporation, Inc. | Comcast | telecommunications | labor relations violation | 2002 | NLRB | $31,500 |
Charlotte Amphitheater Corporation | | | labor relations violation | 2001 | NLRB | $31,500 |
Bliss Industries, Inc. | | | labor relations violation | 2001 | NLRB | $31,500 |
Hampton on Sutter | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
The Gourmandise school of Sweet and Savories | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Tonga Hut | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
GS 99 SUBWAY #10430 | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Chi? Ut? Trai? Lay ( Vietnamese DBA) | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Grapevine Home Health Services Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
SC Laboratories | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Pipers Restaurant | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Nagoya Incorporation | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Monte Burger, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Paris Marketing Masters | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Brawley Inn, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
Cordova;s #2 | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
J & J Company | | | wage and hour violation | 2001 | CA-LCO | $31,500 |
1199 SEIU Child Care Fund | | | employment discrimination | 2020 | NY-NYCCHR | $31,500 |
Arko Exchange Llc | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | MI-LEO | $31,500 |
Arko Exchange Llc | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | MI-LEO | $31,500 |
Paramount Medical Services | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | MI-LEO | $31,500 |
Sub Zero | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WA-DLI | $31,500 |
Sub Zero | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WA-DLI | $31,500 |
Sub Zero | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | WA-DLI | $31,500 |
Olameter Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $31,499 |
Diner N More | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,499 |
Assured Care Enterprises Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $31,499 |
Quality Communications, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $31,496 |
AMPORTS, a Division of American Port Services, Inc. a subsidiary of Associated British Ports Holdings, PLC | | | labor relations violation | 2002 | NLRB | $31,494 |
Le Petit Calypso LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2014 | WHD | $31,493 |
Veer Investments LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,493 |
Presidential Limousine, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | WHD | $31,491 |
Handybook Inc 9 | | | wage and hour violation | 2023 | NY-DOL | $31,491 |
X-Treme Care | | | wage and hour violation | 2015 | NY-DOL | $31,488 |
El Paso Hose & Fittings Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,487 |
KTR Laundry & Dry Cleaning, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,486 |
Sunrise Arc of Lake County, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2004 | WHD | $31,485 |
Pillars Employment Services | | | wage and hour violation | 2016 | NY-DOL | $31,485 |
SCEPTER, INC. | | | labor relations violation | 2011 | NLRB | $31,482 |
SCC Cleaning, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2011 | WHD | $31,481 |
Columbine Country Club | | | wage and hour violation | 2012 | WHD | $31,480 |
R.U.Loco Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2005 | WHD | $31,480 |
Lancaster Auto Repair Group, LLC dba AAMCO Lancaster | | | wage and hour violation | 2018 | CA-LCO | $31,480 |
McGuire Denim, LLC | | | wage and hour violation | 2022 | CA-LCO | $31,479 |
Gurusamy Inc | | | wage and hour violation | 2013 | WHD | $31,478 |
Hi-Tech Rockfall Construction Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2010 | WHD | $31,478 |
D.T. Nails, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,478 |
JJJ Mail Express, Inc. | | | wage and hour violation | 2017 | WHD | $31,477 |