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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: employment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$37,897,980,877
Number of Penalty Records: 152,792
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Wells Fargo$922,403,20466
Bank of America$887,742,03766
Uber Technologies$630,306,02222
JPMorgan Chase$522,448,56250
Daimler Truck AG$480,728,91114
Bank of New York Mellon$423,313,0375
IBM Corp.$396,913,12513

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
MBJN Trans Inc. wage and hour violation2024CA-LCO$36,072
Common Ground labor relations violation2019NLRB$36,069
El Chilerito Spice Co., Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,068
Rivas Contracting, LLC wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,063
Couzins Inc Excavating & General Contracting wage and hour violation2021PA-DLI$36,063
Chopstick House wage and hour violation2020NY-DOL$36,063
Plains Inspection Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,062
The Best Pizza in Town LLC wage and hour violation2019WHD$36,061
Bay Inn & Suites of Loxley wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,060
Alfa GL, Inc., et al wage and hour violation2008WHD$36,059
Hong Hua, Inc. wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,054
Carolinas Community Hospice wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,054
Luna Wholesale, Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$36,053
Airport 52, Inc. wage and hour violation2022CA-LCO$36,053
Century 1318, Inc wage and hour violation2022CA-LCO$36,053
Group Health CooperativeKaiser Permanentehealthcare serviceswage and hour violation2004WHD$36,052
Belkan Mechanical Corp wage and hour violation2019NY-DOL$36,052
ANJA Bar Restaurant wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,051
Jae Hoon Corporation wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,048
Avenue Food Mart, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,048
SRT wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,048
CDA, Inc. labor relations violation2007NLRB$36,047
Integrity Financial Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$36,046
GAILY CORP. wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,045
Windows Catering Company wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,044
Reedeux Media, Inc. wage and hour violation2023CA-LCO$36,043
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc.Caesars Entertainment Inc.entertainmentwage and hour violation2007WHD$36,040
Mission Villa Residential Care Home 2 wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,039
Dong Xin Chen,LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,036
Athletic Warehouse shoes & Clothing wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,036
P & S Metro, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,036
Agricenter International wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,036
Northwest Chemical Transport labor relations violation2006NLRB$36,036
A Plus Care HHC wage and hour violation2023NY-DOL$36,036
Santa Barbara Shellfish Co. wage and hour violation2024CA-LCO$36,036
Mooa Corp & Sole Mio wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,035
Kary's Fashion, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$36,035
The Cottages of Clayton, Inc. wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,034
Three Friends LLC wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,034
Franklin Mackin III dba M&M Trucking wage and hour violation2007WHD$36,033
Halama Brothers Inc wage and hour violation2004PA-DLI$36,033
Aroma Bakery Cafe, Inc. wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$36,032
Atlas Shippers International wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,030
Jay Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2019WHD$36,030
Ayvazian Corp. wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,029
Pho Mi, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,029
Worldwide Staffing Exchange, LLC wage and hour violation2018WHD$36,028
Inspried Care LLC wage and hour violation2022WHD$36,024
Wysong Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,019
Ocean Way Manor wage and hour violation2005WHD$36,017
Selland Auto Transport, Inc. labor relations violation2019NLRB$36,017
Southern Landscape Group, LLC. / JDD Lawn Mai wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,016
Royal Gold, LLC labor relations violation2022NLRB$36,016
St Margaret Home, Inc wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,015
Thumbs Up Construction wage and hour violation2018PA-DLI$36,014
Tulip Molded Plastics Corporation wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,012
B.R. Rider Transportation Services wage and hour violation2001WHD$36,012
Reliant Glass & Door Systems, LLC wage and hour violation2010WI-AG$36,012
Boom Inc. wage and hour violation2023WHD$36,012
The Gilroy Clarksville LLC wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,011
Chen's Garden & Buffet of Mountain Home, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,008
BFI Waste Management SystemsRepublic Serviceswaste management and environmental servicesFamily and Medical Leave Act2021WHD$36,007
Nu Appearance Maintenance Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$36,005
Ambulance Committee of the Moriches wage and hour violation2007WHD$36,003
Mediterranean Shipping Company (USA), Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,003
Belvedere Holdings, Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,001
San Benito Child Development Center, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$36,001
AggieTech Energy Services. LLC. wage and hour violation2020WHD$36,001
Coatesville Chicken, LLC dba Popeye's Louisiana Kitchen employment discrimination2016EEOC$36,000
Mitchem Transports Inc. wage and hour violation2008WHD$36,000
Jewish Community Center of Dallas labor relations violation2015NLRB$36,000
Elixir Industries, Inc. labor relations violation2010NLRB$36,000
Party Rental, LTD. labor relations violation2010NLRB$36,000
Camshaft Machine Co. LLC labor relations violation2010NLRB$36,000
Detroit Newspaper AgencyGannettmedialabor relations violation2007NLRB$36,000
Wangs Alliance Corporation a/k/a W.A.C. Lighting labor relations violation2006NLRB$36,000
Genlyte-Thomas Group, Sparta DivisionElk Group Internationalhousewares and home furnishingslabor relations violation2005NLRB$36,000
Quality Sales, Inc. labor relations violation2004NLRB$36,000
New York University labor relations violation2003NLRB$36,000
Meisner Electric, Inc. labor relations violation2003NLRB$36,000
Roger Preimere Unloading Services labor relations violation2003NLRB$36,000
Ruhrpumpen, Inc. labor relations violation2002NLRB$36,000
Cessna Aircraft CompanyTextronaerospace and military contractinglabor relations violation2002NLRB$36,000
Radiological Services, Inc. labor relations violation2002NLRB$36,000
All Star/Cabaco, BTAS, Inc., Four Winds, Inc. labor relations violation2001NLRB$36,000
Marine Technical Services, Inc. labor relations violation2001NLRB$36,000
Mueller Energy Services, Inc. labor relations violation2000NLRB$36,000
Share Group, Inc. labor relations violation2000NLRB$36,000
Vador Ventures Inc. dba Total Quality Building Services employment discrimination2018EEOC$36,000
Wood World Custom Design wage and hour violation2015CA-LCO$36,000
Compass Rose Staffing KC, Inc. wage and hour violation2014CA-LCO$36,000
KZ Kitchens wage and hour violation2013CA-LCO$36,000
Su mano wage and hour violation2012CA-LCO$36,000
Dagwoods Resturant wage and hour violation2009CA-LCO$36,000
Socorro's Restaurant # 1, # 2. #3 wage and hour violation2006CA-LCO$36,000
Win Industries of America wage and hour violation2001CA-LCO$36,000
Win Industries of America, Inc. wage and hour violation2001CA-LCO$36,000
Advanced Building Systems, Inc. wage and hour violation2000MA-AG$36,000
Industrial Technical Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2005MA-AG$36,000
Hao Ke Lai Enterprise Corp. wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,000
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.