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Violation Tracker Summary for Offense Group

Offense Group: employment-related offenses
Penalty Total since 2000$37,897,980,877
Number of Penalty Records: 152,792
Note: The totals here are adjusted to account for the fact that each current parent's entries may include both agency records and settlement announcements for the same case; or else a penalty covering multiple locations may be listed in the individual records for each of the facilities. They are also adjusted to reflect cases in which federal and state or local agencies cooperated and issued separate announcements of the outcome. Duplicate or overlapping penalty amounts are marked with an asterisk in the individual records list below.
Top 10 Current Parent CompaniesTotal Penalty $Number of Records
Wells Fargo$922,403,20466
Bank of America$887,742,03766
Uber Technologies$630,306,02222
JPMorgan Chase$522,448,56250
Daimler Truck AG$480,728,91114
Bank of New York Mellon$423,313,0375
IBM Corp.$396,913,12513

Individual Penalty Records:

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CompanyCurrent ParentCurrent Parent IndustryPrimary Offense TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
A.J. Myers and Sons, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,820
Victor Orozco Construction wage and hour violation2020CA-LCO$36,818
Syntelesys Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,816
ARO Community Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,816
L&P Electric Inc.Leggett & Plattdiversifiedwage and hour violation2008WHD$36,815
BCC USA, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,813
Northbay Hydroponics wage and hour violation2013CA-LCO$36,813
Ohio Valley Communications labor relations violation2001NLRB$36,812
Abbots Spirit, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,806
Eastern Fresh Growers, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,805
Kohl's Department Stores #1262Kohl'sretailingwage and hour violation2022WA-DLI$36,800
VNU Retail Group LLC wage and hour violation2020CA-LCO$36,795
Mastercorp , Inc. wage and hour violation2024MA-AG$36,795
G L I G GROUNDWORKS LLC wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,793
Wasabi Cary, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,790
PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center labor relations violation2021NLRB$36,789
Taqueria Tepatitlan No. 13 Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,788
Genesis Security Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,788
Cooper & Company Inc wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,787
Akinet, Inc. wage and hour violation2005WHD$36,784
RI Fisher wage and hour violation2010PA-DLI$36,783
Dave's Auto Repair, a General Partnership wage and hour violation2020CA-LCO$36,781
Tender Years Daycare wage and hour violation2017NY-DOL$36,778
Nationwide Insurance Sales Company, LLC wage and hour violation2008WHD$36,773
East Suburban Interiors, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$36,772
Phillips & Stern LLC dba Davis & Edwards wage and hour violation2024CA-LCO$36,772
Rancho Cielo, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,771
Pine & Palm Enterprise, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,771
Stratford McDonald's, LLC wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,770
Hospital San Antonio, Inc. wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,768
Azteca Internacional LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,768
University of CaliforniaUniversity of Californiamiscellaneous serviceswage and hour violation2013WHD$36,766
Youngquist Brothers Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,763
Morfis Semiconductor, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$36,763
Sunset Valley AG LLC wage and hour violation2024CA-LCO$36,763
Advanced Systems Technology, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,760
Frank Singleton, Jr. wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,755
Manda International Corp labor relations violation2010NLRB$36,750
JMJ Financial Group, Inc. wage and hour violation2012CA-LCO$36,750
Marco's Auto Repair wage and hour violation2009CA-LCO$36,750
Van Marcke Trade Supply of Texas, LLC wage and hour violation2018WHD$36,750
SoCal Trucking Inc. , wage and hour violation2017CA-LCO$36,750
Shake Shack Enterprises LLCShake Shack Inc.restaurants and foodservicewage and hour violation2024MA-AG$36,750
Car Pro Auto Spa of Stuart, LLC. wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,749
North Texas Trucking, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,749
Amarillo Ambassador 265, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,745
Guadalupe Soto wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,744
CNC-SWAGAT THREE MANAGEMENT, LLC wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,743
Emory Enterprises Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,741
CLC Food LLC wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,738
VSE CorporationVSE Corp.freight and logisticswage and hour violation2013WHD$36,736
Inco Chemical Supply Co. wage and hour violation2005WHD$36,733
Soldiers, Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,732
National Capital Corporation wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,731
EM&T Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,729
Superior Redding Holding, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,727
Essential Oil Research Farm, LLC wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,722
Embassy Diners Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,721
M G Wholesale Distribution Inc wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,718
Whiz Builders Inc wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$36,718
Asphalt Engineering, LLC wage and hour violation2007WHD$36,717
Peking Restaurant, Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,716
Specialty Concrete Services, Inc. wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,716
Daughters of Sarah Nursing Home Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,716
Performance Development Inc. wage and hour violation2004WHD$36,716
G & G Trend, Inc. wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,715
McLean Hospital Corp., The wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,715
SOUTH MIAMI DENTAL ASSOCIATES, P.A. wage and hour violation2008WHD$36,714
Jalapenos Mexican Restaurante & Bar, LLC. wage and hour violation2016WHD$36,713
Vehar Enterprises, LLC wage and hour violation2015WHD$36,712
Barclay Hotel LLC wage and hour violation2021CA-LCO$36,712
J & J Merrick's Enterprises, Inc. wage and hour violation2007WHD$36,709
Taqueria Puebla Inc. wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,709
Braulio Agosto Motor, Inc. wage and hour violation2010WHD$36,705
Orland Park Ice Cream & Donuts, LLC wage and hour violation2004WHD$36,696
Lulu finishing corporation wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,694
Wokaholic, Inc. wage and hour violation2006WHD$36,690
Total Property Services, Inc, Total Property Services of New England, Inc. labor relations violation2001NLRB$36,690
Pongwanakul Corporation wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,689
Hiro's Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,689
Farmer & Irwin wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,685
Horgan Enterprises Inc wage and hour violation2005WHD$36,682
New Beginning Realty Group, LLC wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,681
A Plus Painting, LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,680
Milkyway Jeans, Inc. wage and hour violation2018CA-LCO$36,680
DiGiovanni Construction Company, LLC wage and hour violation2009WHD$36,678
Lebanon, Inc. wage and hour violation2018WHD$36,678
Penn State Construction wage and hour violation2015PA-DLI$36,676
Builders Hardware of SC Inc wage and hour violation2017WHD$36,674
BPE Subzi Mandi Cash & Carry Inc. wage and hour violation2012WHD$36,672
First Step Cutting & Fusing wage and hour violation2016CA-LCO$36,671
D&M Construction Unlimited wage and hour violation2023PA-DLI$36,670
Willow Park Health Center, LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,669
NEXT CLEANERS LLC wage and hour violation2011WHD$36,669
Superior Healthcare of Bakersfield, Inc. wage and hour violation2019CA-LCO$36,669
RJ United, LLC wage and hour violation2018WHD$36,667
OPTIMAL STRATEGIX GROUP INC wage and hour violation2023IL-DOL$36,667
Integrated Solutions & Services Unltd, Inc. wage and hour violation2013WHD$36,665
Hicks Landscaping Contractors of Zebulon wage and hour violation2002WHD$36,665
Modular Transportation, L.L.C. wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,664
El Puerto, LLC wage and hour violation2014WHD$36,664
(*): Penalty amounts marked by an asterisk are ones announced by more than one agency. Parent penalty totals are adjusted to avoid double-counting.